10 Best Ship Skin Sets – Sea of Thieves


Playing Sea of Thieves is all about acquiring reputation and wealth, in order to become a truly epic seafarer.

The best way to show off your aptitude as a pirate is to invest in ship skins.

These are the cosmetics that will be visible to all who gaze upon your vessel.

As you start off, you’ll have plenty of options to buy at vendors. 

Putting your hard-earned money into the wrong skins can leave your chests empty, as each set can cost a pretty penny.

I’ll be going through the 10 best ship skin sets available. Will be providing the amount of currency needed, how to get them, and a few recommendations for completing the full set!

Only FREE skins will be included, so those that you can acquire in-game without spending any additional money.


10. Forsaken Ashes

Ship & Equipment Set

Ship Set Cost: 310 Doubloons

Full Set Cost: 370 Doubloons & 126,390 Gold


The Wheel, Capstan & Cannons are available from the get-go.

All others require the Devil’s Cartographer title, unlocked by discovering all islands in the Devil’s Roar.

Where to Buy: Black Market

Recommended Pet: Ashen Curse Macaw

If you’re looking for a perfect balance of awesomeness to start your early adventures out, this is the perfect one.

Such fair prices for such an awesome-looking skin set is well worth it.

The Doubloon cost can be a bit much if you’re starting out, make sure to go for any Reaper’s Chests you see on the map. 

Ritual Skulls are another fairly common item you can sell for Doubloons.


9. Order of Souls


Ship & Equipment Set

Ship Set Cost: 439,800 Gold

Total Cost: 529,100 Gold


You unlock each piece as you level up your Order of Souls reputation, with the final piece coming at reputation level 75.

Where to Buy: Any Order of Souls NPC.

Recommended Pet: Order of Souls Possessed Cat

Acquired as a reward for your whole-hearted dedication to the Order of Souls, this skin set boasts a variety of color.

Best used when running Order of Souls emissary flags for maximum immersion.


8. Ceremonial Admiral

Ship & Equipment Set

Ship Set Cost: 295,750 Gold

Total Cost: 408,000 Gold


You unlock each piece as you level up your Merchant Alliance reputation, with the final pieces coming at reputation level 50.

Where to Buy: Any Merchant Alliance NPC.

Recommended Pet: Smoky Inu

One of the more “by-the-book” skin sets, for those who don’t want a dangerous pirate appearance.

Sea of Thieves offers plenty of respectable cosmetic choices, the Ceremonial Admiral one is fairly easy to get and looks great!


7. Deep Ocean Crawler

Ship & Equipment Set

Ship Set Cost: 1,008,000 Gold

Total Cost: 1,993,950 Gold

Requirements: None!

Where to Buy: Black Market

Recommended Pet: Ratcatcher Wildcat

Deep Ocean Crawler cosmetic items are great across the board, both the ship skins and the equipment skins.

Almost 2,000,000 Gold required is very achievable if you set your sights on only them.


6. Reaper’s Bones


Ship & Equipment Set

Ship Set Cost: 439,750 Gold

Total Cost: 508,050 Gold


You unlock each piece as you level up your Reaper’s Bones reputation, with the final piece coming at reputation level 75.

The cost does take into account the fact you need to purchase the lesser variants before unlocking the final Reaper’s Bones set.

Where to Buy: Reaper’s Hideout

Recommended Pet: Skeleton Cockatoo

Nothing is as terrifying as a ship cloaked in Reaper’s Bones cosmetics approaching you, might as well just drop anchor and let them do their thing.

Acquiring level 75 with Reaper’s Bones is no easy feat, requiring the sinking of hundreds of ships.

Once the set is completed, you’ll be one of the most feared pirates on the server.


5. Inky Kraken

Ship & Equipment Set

Ship Set Cost: 1,008,000 Gold

Total Cost: 1,993,950 Gold

Requirements: None!

Where to Buy: Black market

Recommended Pet: Whitebeard Capuchin

As far as Black Market ship cosmetics go, Inky Kraken is considered the best for any pirate.

Fitting in perfectly with other cosmetic sets, you can outfit your entire ship and crew to look menacing.

The sails are particularly epic, with a worn and battered look to show off your experience.


4. Gold Hoarder


Ship & Equipment Set

Ship Set Cost: 627,100 Gold

Total Cost: 537,800 Gold


You unlock each piece as you level up your Gold Hoarder reputation, with the final piece coming at reputation level 75.

Where to Buy: Any Gold Hoarder NPC.

Recommended Pet: Gold Curse Capuchin

Requiring a ton of gold and play-time to obtain, the Gold Hoarder trading company is thankfully the easiest to level up, as almost every aspect of the game includes items you can sell to them.

Skeleton Ships, Ghost Fleets, Megalodons, Krakens, treasure chests, etc. All of them reward good items to sell.

Gold Hoarder sails have icons and logos that shine bright in the darkness, it’s truly one of the most enjoyable ship skin sets to sail the seas with.


3. Ashen Dragon

Ship & Equipment Set

Ship Set Cost: 281,900 Gold

Total Cost: 464,035 Gold


The Hull and Sails required the Heart of Fire and Fire and Ash commendations respectively.

All other pieces are unlocked by selling various Tomes to the Bilge Rats, found in Ashen Chests.

Where to Buy: Shipwright Vendors

Recommended Pet: Ashen Curse Marmoset

My personal favorite, few ship skins can match the fiery glow of the Ashen Dragon.

Subsequently, it’s also one of the hardest cosmetic sets to obtain in the entirety of Sea of Thieves!

Requiring a ton of luck, hard work, and efficiency to even complete half a set, makes it well worth the number 3 spot.


2. Ghost


Ship & Equipment Set

Ship Set Cost: 3,050,000 Gold

Total Cost: 4,006,795 Gold


Upon becoming a Pirate Legend (reputation level of 50 with at least 3 different trade companies, many of these parts will become available for purchase.

Some do require a certain Athena’s Fortune reputation level, up to level 10.

Where to Buy: Athena’s Fortune Shipwright

Recommended Pet: Alsation with the Ghost Outfit

Bearing the Athena’s Fortune mark will show all other players that your crew is experienced, often causing them to avoid a fight.

I’ve personally seen a Galleon sporting Ghost cosmetics being attacked by a kraken, it managed to take the kraken out, then sink our ship in less than a minute.

Overall, it’s one of the most difficult to earn, and one of the best skin sets in the game!


1. Dark Adventurer 

Ship & Equipment Set

Ship Set Cost: 37,800,000 Gold

Total Cost: 60,611,625 Gold


Available from the Athena’s Fortune Shipwright immediately upon acquiring the Pirate Legend title.

Where to Buy

Recommended Pet: Campfire Cockatoo

Costing a truly bizarre amount of plunder per item, the Dark Adventurer set is one of the rarest in the game, even with it being available all-year-round.

Created simply to give veteran players something to buy, it sports a unique aesthetic, one of intimidation and refinement.

Not only great by itself, many of the individual pieces fit snuggly into other ship skin sets, so you can still look awesome as you work towards the full set!


Ryan McKenna

About Ryan McKenna Gamer, father, and overall nerd.

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