10 Best Blessings – Skyrim


Blessings are an over-looked buff in Skyrim, providing a temporary bonus that lasts for 8 hours (in real life time). To acquire a buff, simply visit and activate the relevant shrine.

None of them grant active powers, instead they’re all passive bonuses, with one available for every play style available.

You should always keep a blessing active, making sure to go out of your way to activate them. Small tasks like this all add up, making your play-through a lot easier. Pretty much mandatory at higher difficulty settings.

Here’s the 10 best blessings in Skyrim, with locations listed so you always know where to find them!

10. Boethiah

Shrine LocationRaven Rock Temple

For one-handed melee characters, the blessing of Boethiah boosts one-handed damage by 15%.

Dual wielding characters are especially potent with this blessing active, out-putting massive amounts of damage.

9. Nocturnal

Shrine Location: The Ragged Flagon

You become 10% harder to detect while sneaking with this blessing. One that is quite niche, mostly for helping to level your stealth skills.

Sneaking is a fairly under-valued skill in Skyrim, taking a second to ensure a sneak attack bonus can help you get through fights way faster!

8. Akatosh

Shrine Location: Temple of the Divines as well as Steamcrag Hollock and a hill near Rorikstead.

One for those magic users with magicka problems, the blessing of Akatosh bolsters magicka regeneration by 10%. Activating this blessing will also cure all contracted diseases.

Combined with various standing stones, robes and rings, you’ll find yourself recovering magicka in a pinch.

7. Dibella

Shrine Location: Temple of the Divines as well as a number of other locations, see the list on the wiki.

One of the most unique aspects of the worlds that Bethesda creates is their dialogue. You can often convince, intimidate or bribe NPCs to your will.

This is where the blessing of Dibella comes in, boosting Speech by 10 points, making those dialogue options more successful!

6. Julianos

Shrine Location: Temple of the Divines as well as Fellglow Keep and Harmugstahl.

A rather simple one, boosting magicka by a flat 25 points. In general, a higher magicka pool is better overall for combat, instead of waiting for magicka to regenerate. 

Depends on your build though, if you already have a ton of magicka then you might prefer the regeneration blessing!

5. Kynareth

Shrine Location: Temple of the Divines as well as a number of other locations, see the list on the wiki.

Boosting stamina by 25 points, this blessing is mostly recommended for tankier character builds. Or for any build that needs a inventory weight boost.

Stamina is also useful for covering large distances, as sprinting does deplete your reserves quickly.

4. Zenithar

Shrine Location: Temple of the Divines as well as a number of other locations, see the list on the wiki.

Get in the habit of keeping loot stocked up and ready to sell all at once. Then, activate this shrine to get 10% better prices before selling to merchants. Equip other enchanted items to further increase selling values.

Everyone loves gold but few go out of their way to maximise the amount they can get!

3. Arkay

Shrine Location: Temple of the Divines as well as a number of other locations, see the list on the wiki.

Health is boosted by 25 points with this shrine blessing, something every character can make use of, regardless of skill choices or play style. 

2. Azura

Shrine LocationRaven Rock Temple

Available on with the Dragonborn DLC, the shrine of Azura grants a crazy 10% magic resistance. For mage, ranged or tanky characters, such a bonus is huge.

Dragon attacks, necromancers, falmer, almost any enemy type you can encounter will utilise some sort of offensive magic. Having such a strong blessing to back you up is invaluable.

1. Talos

Shrine Location: Temple of the Divines as well as a number of other locations, see the list on the wiki.

For pure usefulness, regardless of your character build/style, the blessing of Talos is the best. It’ll reduce time between shouts by 20%. We all have a favorite shout or two, many of us even rely on them a lot.

Shout up-time can be a huge boost to every aspect of Skyrim, whether it be travelling, bartering or combat!

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Ryan McKenna

About Ryan McKenna Gamer, father, and overall nerd.

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