Top 10 Best Daggers in Skyrim


Daggers are the smallest of weapons in Skyrim. They are powerful little armaments, they’re easy to conceal and don’t take up much space.

Each dagger has a low attack range but swing much faster than other melee weapon types.

Often used by mages and assassins, daggers are a good choice for those who don’t have the skill to wield swords or require something a bit more subtle for their dirty work.

Wielding two daggers at once provides double the lethality, especially when utilising power attacks.

Investing in a dagger-wielding character is quite rare as players see the low damage values and choose something else.

Several daggers exist with powerful, unique effects to take down opponents, including a dagger that can instakill enemies!

Get yourself a powerful tanky follower then sneak up on enemies for quick, easy kills.

If this playstyle appeals to you, a good assortment of daggers is needed. This list will go through the 10 best daggers in Skyrim, giving you tips for how to find them

10. Valdr’s Lucky Dagger

Valdyr, who owns one of the best daggers in Skyrim

Damage: 5

How to obtain: Really easily, you simply find Valdr sitting outside Moss Mother Cavern. You need to heal him (giving him a Healing Potion will do the job), he’ll then ask you to clear out a relatively straightforward cave. Upon reaching the end, Valdr will reward you with this dagger.

Taking on the appearance of a Steel Dagger is Valdyr’s lucky dagger, which despite having low base damage, is an awesome dagger to obtain early on.

It has a 25% chance to critically hit per strike, but this is not considered an enchantment so you can add something else to it as well.

A critical strike will increase damage by 50%, it’s worth using Valdr’s Lucky Dagger early on as it’ll provide ample smithing and enchanting experience as you make it even stronger.

9. Glass Dagger

Glass dagger, one of the best daggers in Skyrim

Damage: 9

How to obtain: This dagger can be looted or bought after reaching level 20.

Mid-tier dagger with a pretty nice appearance, Glass variants have decent damage and ample option for enchantments as you’ll have more available by the time you start to encounter this dagger.

You’ll commonly find them on Necromancers and Acolytes, it won’t be difficult to obtain a few to use in combat.

8. Bloodthorn

Bloodthorn, one of the best daggers in Skyrim

Damage: 8

How to obtain: Found on a balcony in Hag’s End.

If an enemy dies within 3 seconds of being struck by Bloodthorn, its soul is stolen and placed inside a soul gem.

Yet another steel dagger lookalike, Bloodthorn is quite useful depending on how you use soul gems, if at all.

As expected from a steel dagger, it does have low base damage but it’s great for finishing enemies off if you can make use of the enchantment.

Best used as a means to fill up soul gems to resupply my other weapons and items!

7. Ebony Dagger

Ebony Dagger, one of the best daggers in Skyrim

Damage: 10

How to obtain: Similar to the Glass dagger, except you need to reach level 35.

Ebony daggers have relatively high base damage, they’re the best choice for players who are fairly deep into their adventures.

Leverage the myriad of enchantments available at level 35 to apply extra damage or fortify skills in other areas, such as Destruction magic.

6. Stalhrim Dagger

Stalhrim dagger, one of the best daggers in Skyrim

Damage: 10

How to obtain: Only available in the Dragonborn DLC, can be looted or purchased from merchants.

Almost identical to Ebony daggers, only with slightly less weight taken up in your inventory. Stalhrim also looks a lot better thematically than Ebony.

Skyrim Special Edition (the basic Skyrim package you can get) comes with all DLCs included so don’t worry about needing the Dragonborn DLC to acquire this dagger.

5. Daedric Dagger

Daedric dagger, one of the best daggers in Skyrim

Damage: 11

How to obtain: Available as loot after level 46, can also be purchased from merchants.

Joint second highest base damage dagger in Skyrim, daedric items are great in general, although they’re only available at a high level.

Arguably the coolest looking dagger in the game, it’ll serve as a huge source of damage for the majority of your late-game playthrough.

4. Dragonbone Dagger

Dragonbone dagger, one of the best daggers in Skyrim

Damage: 12

How to obtain: Only available with the Dawnguard DLC.

In terms of raw base DPS, the Dragonbone dagger is unrivalled, no other dagger in Skyrim deals as much damage.

It has the fastest attack speed and the joint most base damage of any dagger in the game.

No innate enchantment allows you to choose your own, giving you the option of wielding two powerful daggers with separate enchantments.

3. Mehrune’s Razor

Mehrunes Razor, one of the best daggers in Skyrim

Damage: 11

How to obtain: Only obtainable by killing Silus Vesuius during the quest Pieces of the Past, if you choose to spare Silus then Mehrune’s Razor cannot be acquired.

Perhaps the most recognisable dagger on the list, Mehrune’s Razor is a unique weapon with an epic appearance and powerful effect.

The base damage is great as well, being the same as a normal daedric dagger.

Although it’s possibly unreliable, the enchantment gives the wielder a 2% chance of instantly killing their enemy upon striking them with Mehrune’s Razor.

2. Keening

Keening, one of the best daggers in Skyrim

Damage: 8

How to obtain: During a quest given by Arniel Gane at the College of Winterhold, you are tasked with retrieving Keening after a long quest.

Another unique dagger, this one is particularly interesting.

With such a low base damage stat, it’s ranked 2nd due to its enchantment that absorbs 10 Health, Magicka and Stamina upon strike.

Nope it doesn’t just decrease, it absorbs.

Such an effect is immensely powerful, but its unique appearance also boosts its ranking.

1. Blade of Woe

Blade of Woe, the best dagger in Skyrim

Damage: 12

How to obtain: Held by Astrid of the Dark Brotherhood, it can be acquired by killing her and looting her corpse, or completing the Death Incarnate quest.

Holding the trophy for the highest base damage of any dagger in the entire game, as well as the longest attack range, is the Blade of Woe. 

One more well-known dagger, I’m sure every Elder Scrolls player recognises this dagger’s name.

Although it does have a more modest appearance than others on the list, it’s the easiest dagger to obtain with the highest damage and comes with a fairly decent enchantment.

It absorbs 10 Health upon hitting an enemy which in all fairness, is nothing to shout about. But overall it is the best dagger in the game, without a doubt!


Ryan McKenna

About Ryan McKenna Gamer, father, and overall nerd.

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