Epic Seven: Top 10 Best Thief Heroes


Thieves are some of the highest DPS heroes in Epic Seven, out-putting high burst damage, but they usually come with low defensive stats.

For clearing hunts, labyrinths and adventure, Thieves can be the most useful class.

They’re also effective in PvP, capable of assassinating a single target or slashing at the whole enemy team.

31 different Thief heroes exist in Epic Seven and gear is hard to come by, so which Thieves should you invest your gear in?

I’ll be going through the 10 best Thieves in the game, so you know exactly which Thief heroes to build and what they’re used for 🙂

10. Alexa

Attribute: Ice

Recommended Set: Speed/Crit Chance

How to get: 3* Covenant Summon


FellCold EdgeCrushing Blow
Cuts the enemy with dual-wielded swords. A critical hit will activate Lightning Bolt. Lightning Bolt can only be activated once per turn of the caster. 

Lightning Bolt: Rapidly cuts the enemy with dual-wielded swords.
Burn Effect: Ignores effect resistance.

Attacks with a cold blade with an 80% chance to inflict two Poison effects for 2 turns, and increase the caster’s Combat Readiness by 30%.
Attacks the enemy continuously, dealing damage proportional to number of debuffs inflicted on the enemy.


Your premiere budget Wyvern DPS, Alexa absolutely shreds every Wyvern boss, if she has Daydream Joker equipped.

If her skill 1 crits, she’ll attack again, which will proc her artifact again. Insane damage.

Definitely aim for a good amount of attack, with at least 270% crit damage.

Alexa has no use outside of Wyvern.

9. Assassin Coli

Attribute: Dark

Recommended Set: Speed/Crit Chance

How to get: 4* Moonlight Summon


AmbushCloak and DaggerMurder
Ambushes the enemy. When the caster is stealthed, increases damage dealt and increases Speed of the caster for 1 turn. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s Speed.When the caster is free of debuffs, has a 80% chance each to be granted increase Attack for 1 turn at the beginning of turn, and stealth for 1 turn at the end of the turn.Burn Effect: Increases damage dealt.

Moves silently to attack the enemy, stunning for 1 turn. Silences all enemies for 1 turn when the target is defeated. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s Speed.


My personal favorite hero, Assassin Coli is exceptional for going first.

She has an innately high base speed, so building her with a good 220+ speed is fairly easy, even for mid game players.

You’ll want to one-shot the weakest enemy at the start of a battle, silencing the remaining enemies to make the fight easier for the rest of your team.

She’s mostly a PvP hero but I’ve used her for many PvE bosses.

8. Haste

Attribute: Fire

Recommended Set: Crit Chance/Crit Damage

How to get: 5* Covenant Summon


Envoy’s ScytheBloodrendVampiric Seal
Attacks with an enormous scythe, with a 60% chance to inflict bleeding for 2 turns. Steals one buff if the target is an Earth elemental Hero.Burn Effect: Increases damage dealt.

Attacks the enemy with a scythe, making them unhealable and inflicting Vampiric Touch for 2 turns, and recovers the health of all allies. Amount recovered increases proportional to the damage dealt.
Attacks all enemies with Envoy’s Scythe, with a 85% chance each to randomly inflict three bleeding effects for 2 turns. When there are less than three enemies, damage dealt increases with fewer enemies. Detonates any bleeding effects inflicted on Earth elemental targets at the end of the turn.


Haste is a unique & popular Thief hero who can demolish Earth heroes.

He’s good against other attributes with his bleeding effects & high damage.

Vampiric Touch is a debuff that restores 10% HP to any ally who attacks the debuffed target.

Haste’s ability to restore health adds a nice amount of sustain to a high damage kit.

7. Sez

Attribute: Ice

Recommended Set: Crit Chance/Crit Damage

How to get: 5* Covenant Summon


Dark ShadowEnroachConviction
Penetrates the enemy with dark energy, making the enemy unhealable for 1 turn. Damage dealt increases proportional to the amount of enemy’s lost Health.When the enemy’s Health is 50% or less after attacking with Dark Shadow, activates Encroach. Encroach can only be activated once per turn the caster. 

Encroach (Acquire 1 Soul): Releases dark power to attack all enemies, with a 50% chance to make them unhealable for 1 turn.
Burn Effect: Increases damage dealt.

Inflicts lethal damage to the enemy, dealing damage proportional to the enemy’s lost Health. If the enemy dies, inflicts additional damage to all enemies proportional to the caster’s Attack.


Sez is an amazing boss killer, constantly backing up his main attacks with extra attacks.

Heroes who can apply unhealable are actually really strong against certain bosses in Abyss floors, or certain PvP teams.

You’ll need him to be fast and hit hard.

6. Kayron

Attribute: Fire

Recommended Set: Speed/Crit Chance

How to get: 5* Covenant Summon


Void SlashImmortal WillApocalypse
Burn Effect: Increases damage dealt.

Attacks with a sword, with a 35% chance to decrease Hit Chance for 1 turn, dealing damage proportional to the caster’s lost Health.
Grants immortality for 1 turn when the caster receives lethal damage and resets skill cooldown of Apocalypse. Can only be activated once every 9 turns. On the caster’s turn, when buffed and using Void Slash, the skill will become an AoE attack and does not trigger Dual Attack.Attacks the enemy by exploding the Archdemon’s Might contained within their sword, increasing Attack of the caster for 2 turns. If the enemy is defeated, extends any buffs granted to the caster by 1 turn. Deals damage proportional to the caster’s lost Health.


No doubt you remember facing Kayron in story mode, his boss was a nightmare to defeat.

Kayron is a monster, out-putting huge damage with his self attack buff.

Guaranteed immortality allows him to continue fighting, even if he gets focused early on in the fight.

Definitely build him as fast as you can, as it’s crucial to get the attack buff as quickly as possible.

5. Violet

Attribute: Earth

Recommended Set: Lifesteal/Immunity

How to get: 5* Covenant Summon


Graceful CutDual AcceptedButterfly Cut
Burn Effect: Increases effect chance to 100% and decreases Attack of the target for 2 turns.

Attacks with a sword, with a 65% chance to decrease Attack for 1 turn. When it is not the caster’s turn, increases Combat Readiness by 15% and gains double the amount of Focus.
Prepares for a duel by dispelling two debuffs and granting perception for 3 turns before recovering Health by 15%. Grants an extra turn to the caster. 

Perception: Increases Critical Hit Chance and Critical Hit Damage by 15%. Perception cannot be dispelled.
Pierces the enemy with a sword, and loses all Focus. Damage dealt increases proportional to the amount of Focus consumed. 

If 5 Focus is consumedresets cooldown of Butterfly Cut.

When Butterfly Cut is available, increases Evasion by 35%, and after successfully evading, counterattacks with Graceful Cut.


Exceptional in PvP & Banshee hunts.

Violet loves Moonlight Dreamblade, having a whopping 55% evasion chance at max artifact rank.

Counter-attacking with a chance to decrease attack & increase combat readiness all adds up to one awesome PvP unit.

There’s no reason not to invest gear into Violet if you’re lucky enough to summon him!

4. Vildred

Attribute: Earth

Recommended Set: Speed/Crit Chance

How to get: 5* Covenant Summon


SweepDancing BladeBlade Ascent
Rapidly attacks two enemies with a swordstorm. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s Speed.Increases Attack of the caster for 2 turns and activates Dancing Blade when an enemy is defeated by Sweep or Blade Ascent. Increases Combat Readiness of the caster by 20% when an enemy is defeated.
Dancing Blade: Attacks all enemies with a swordstorm.
Burn Effect: Increase damage dealt.

Attacks all enemies with a swordstorm. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s Speed.


One of the best farmers in the game, Vildred fields a ton of AoE damage to demolish groups of mobs.

In PvP, he can do a good amount of damage too, but his AoE attacks can be vulnerable to counter-attacks, or increasing the enemy’s combat readiness.

Use him as a farmer for Adventures, Banshee hunts & Automation Tower.

3. Blood Blade Karin

Attribute: Dark

Recommended Set: Counter/Immunity

How to get: 4* Moonlight Summon


Sequential CutterCursed SwordBlade Art: Dragon
Quickly strikes the enemy with a sword, recovering Health proportional to damage dealt. Caster’s Combat Readiness increases by 50% if the enemy is defeated.As Health decreases, Attack, Defense, and Speed increase.Burn Effect: Increases damage dealt.

Attacks all enemies, sacrificing 20% of the caster’s Health. Grants the caster an extra turn when an enemy is defeated.


Such an annoying hero to face in Arena, the sheer amount of stats she gets from her skill 2 is crazy.

You don’t want too much speed as you’ll want her to take some damage.

If she’s at 20% or less health, her skill 3 will most likely one-shot entire teams.

I’ve seen it happen to me too many times 🙁

2. Assassin Cidd

Attribute: Dark

Recommended Set: Speed/Crit Chance

How to get: 4* Moonlight Summon


Slice Swift Action Execution
Attacks with an axe, with a 40% chance to decrease Defense for 2 turns. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s Speed.When somebody dies, caster is granted increased Attack for 1 turn and Combat Readiness increases by 15%.Burn Effect: Increases damage dealt.

Attacks the enemy with a powerful ground pound, silencing them for 1 turn and decreasing their Combat Readiness by 50%, before increasing Evasion Chance of the caster for 2 turns. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster and the enemy’s speed. Removes 20 Souls from the opponent.


Considered to be the best assassin-like hero in the game, even having his own defense break.

His skill 3 is powerful in live PvP games for removing souls and basically debuffing an enemy unit out of the game.

You want him to be fast with high crit stats, so he’s not the easiest hero to build.

If you do manage to get Assassin Cidd with a powerful set, you’ll power your through PvP rankings.

1. Arbiter Vildred

Attribute: Dark

Recommended Set: Crit Chance/Crit Damage

How to get: 5* Moonlight Summon


SweepDark ContractDark Blade
Rapidly attacks two enemies with a Swordstorm, decreasing their Combat Readiness by 10%. After receiving lethal damage, caster regenerates to 70% Health, 100% Combat Readiness, full Focus, and reset cooldown for Dark Blade. Burn Effect: Increases damage dealt.

Attacks all enemies, decreasing Hit Chance for 2 turns. When Focus is full, consumes it all, increasing damage dealt.
When the enemy is defeated with this skill, cooldown does not occur.


Arbiter Vildred is simply the best Thief hero, as well as the best hero you can get from Moonlight Blessings.

He can cut through PvE stages easily, with decreases to combat readiness to prevent mobs from attacking back.

For PvP, his skill 2 really shines as you are basically guaranteed 2 casts per battle.

Only the extinction debuff can get through it but that’s rare.

Honestly, Arbiter Vildred is arguably the best hero in the entire game!


Ryan McKenna

About Ryan McKenna Gamer, father, and overall nerd.

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