Top 10 Yugioh Chain Burn Cards


Have you ever wanted a deck that can win without attacking? Do you have aspirations of making as many people hate you as possible? Well you’ve come to the right place!

Chain burn decks have to be the most anti-fun deck to play against in Yugioh history. There have definitely been some disgusting strategies over the years, you’d likely chop an arm off instead of facing a stall deck. Chain burn decks are something else entirely, the only time you’d ever want to face one is if you really, really want to test a deck out.

If you want a chain burn deck yourself then you need to re-evaluate your life choices. But I find the required cards to be quite interesting, so I’ve put together a list of the 10 best chain burn cards in Yugioh!



10. Jar of Greed

Jar of Greed, one of the best Yugioh chain burn cards

In case you didn’t realise, chain burn decks are all about chaining cards to deal damage and recover your hand for the next turn. Jar of Greed is effective in this regarding, granting an extra chain link and giving you a card back in return. You could overlook this if you want but it wouldn’t hurt to add it as a filler if your deck is a few off that 40 card requirement.


9. Secret Blast

Secret Blast, one of the best Yugioh chain burn cards

With a maximum damage of 3300 (5 x spell/traps, 5 x monsters & 1 field spell), there’s no denying Secret Blast’s competence in a chain burn deck. Dealing damage is the way of the game, you need to whittle your opponent’s life points down as much as possible, this card helps you achieve your goal.


8. Emergency Provisions

Emergency Provisions, one of the best Yugioh chain burn cards

Although you usually win in 2-3 turns, sometimes it’s nice to have a backup life points increase card. Activate Emergency Provisions at the end of a huge chain link to destroy up to 4 of your spells/traps and gain 1000 LP for each one. Just like Jar of Greed, it can be left out if you have the confidence but it can also be a life-saver at times.


7. Ceasefire

Ceasefire, one of the best Yugioh chain burn cards

Ceasefire is a must-have for any chain burn deck, it deals so much damage, even if you’re the only player will effect monsters on the field. It can also help to clear up your opponent’s face-down monsters, letting you see what they’re capable of.


6. Reckless Greed

Reckless Green, one of the best Yugioh chain burn cards

Pro tip: Wait until you have 2-3 Reckless Greed’s before activating them. You can draw up to 6 cards while only waiting 2 turns for you to draw again, but those 6 cards should be enough to win the game with a decent chain burn deck. You’ll rarely win with your first hand so having drawing power like Reckless Greed is crucial to a chain burn deck’s success.


5. Secret Barrel

Secret Barrel, one of the best Yugioh chain burn cards

It might not seem like much but after activating two or three Secret Barrels, your opponent’s life points will be completely annihilated. This card is simply mandatory for any chain burn deck because of the huge amount of damage it deals.


4. Ojama Trio

Ojama Trio, one of the best Yugioh chain burn cards

Ojama Trio works perfectly in a chain burn deck, the majority of effect damaging cards you use will be boosted by the opponent having 3 more monsters on the field. They can’t even be tributed, which essentially cuts your opponent’s available monster zones down to two. The synergy is too much to turn down!


3. Accumulated Fortune

Accumulated Fortune, one of the best Yugioh chain burn cards

This is arguably the best drawing card in the game for a chain burn deck, you’ll always be able to meet its requirements and add two more cards to your hand. It’s a simple card but it fits in so perfectly.


2. Chain Strike

Chain Strike, one of the best Yugioh chain burn cards

If used correctly, Chain Strike can be one of the highest damaging cards in a chain burn deck, making it one of the best chain burn cards you can find. Similarly to the previous entry, its requirements are easy to meet and you get some nice damage, especially if used at the end of a huge chain.


1. Just Desserts

Just Desserts, the best chain burn card in Yugioh

Out of all the chain burn decks I’ve ever faced, Just Desserts always gives me the most trouble (especially when combined with Ojama Trio). It deals so much damage, you can reliably hit your opponent for at least 2000 life points for each Just Desserts you use. OTKs are frequent if you have 3 copies in your deck..


Ryan McKenna

About Ryan McKenna Gamer, father, and overall nerd.

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