Playing the support role is a thankless job at times, you can turn the tides of entire team-fights yet the team-mate you just about saved after going in 1v5 gets all the credit. That’s fine though, the enemies don’t realise it either so they don’t focus you. Maining a support can help you climb out of low ELO quite easily, many players find them extremely boring to play though, so they prefer other roles.
This list will show you the 10 most fun supports in League of Legends, I highly recommend you choose one you like the most and use them to boost your rank, if needed. You’ll be surprised just how mechanically intensive some of these champions are. If you can get used to the combos and strategies, playing support can become as fun as any other role!
10. Taric
One of the best reworks Riot has ever done, Taric is a huge tank with tons of CC and utility. Working perfectly with other hypercarries, Taric acts as a meat shield to take swathes of damage, while providing heals and shields for his team-mates.
Keeping track of your mana is extremely important with Taric in the early game, if you spam too many skills you’ll risk an enemy all-in. Making full use of Taric’s passive is also important, as is ultimate timing. Thankfully he’s extremely powerful when used even half-decently.
Price: 1350 IP/585 RP
Skill floor: Medium
Skill ceiling: Very High
9. Karma
Competent in almost all situations, Karma is an awesome choice for any players looking for a safe and versatile support champion. Karma’s R empowers her other abilities, boosting her Q for huge damage, W for a long root and healing or her E for a group-wide shield and movement speed boost.
Excelling in skirmishes in particular, Karma is also a threat in team-fights. If you find yourself with teams who just group mid after laning phase, Karma can clear waves on side lanes too.
Price: 3150 IP/790 RP
Skill floor: Low
Skill ceiling: Medium
8. Morgana
We’ve all faced the annoyance of a good Morgana, it feels like you can’t do anything. Her Q roots for 2 seconds at rank 1, increasing to 3 seconds at max rank. Such CC is actually insane, even juggernauts won’t last 3 seconds if you have backup.
Not wasting her magic shield is important though as it blocks CC, a mis-click can cause major problems in a fight you would have won otherwise. Thankfully, it doesn’t take long at all to get used to Morgana and her kit!
Price: 1350 IP/585 RP
Skill floor: Low
Skill ceiling: Medium
7. Zyra
Technically a mage rather than a dedicated support, Zyra fits snugly into bot lane though, far more so than mid lane. Reliable CC that’s easy to land, combined with crazy burst potential and great poke, combine to make a formidable damage based support champion.
After 2 or 3 items, Zyra becomes a monster in the mid game, so long as you can get through the laning phase. Able to pick off enemy champions with ease, as well as disengage if required, she brings a lot to the table and can even carry the game if she gets fed!
Price: 4800 IP/880 RP
Skill floor: Medium
Skill ceiling: High
6. Blitzcrank
Never underestimate the power of a Blitzcrank hook, catching enemies out of position, only to pull them to their doom is genuinely gratifying. Of course, Blitz can’t do anything on his own, you’ll need a teammate or 2 to follow up and actually take the enemy down.
The entire League community is fully aware of how bizarre Blitzcrank’s hook’s hitbox is, as long as you aim in an enemy’s general direction, you’ll land it. Keeping your cooldowns is this champion’s only difficult aspect, it’s tempting to blow all of your skills immediately but keeping hold of 1 or 2 can be even better!
Price: 3150 IP/790 RP
Skill floor: Low
Skill ceiling: Medium
5. Bard
Arguably the most unique champion in the entire game (Singed might take that spot to be fair), Bard is a joy to play. His roaming playstyle encourages Bard to leave lane in search of meeps that empower his basic attacks, dealing surprisingly high damage in a cone.
Able to place healing shrines around the map, as well as create tunnels through terrain, Bard has a ton of utility in his kit. Enemies can use his tunnels though and Bard’s ultimate can actually help enemies more than your teammates too if used incorrectly.
Price: 6300 IP/675 RP
Skill floor: Medium
Skill ceiling: Very High
4. Tahm Kench
I swear, Tahm Kench does so much damn damage. Seriously, he can 1v1 a lot of solo laners. In team fights, he’s simply a bullet sponge and has some extra usefulness with his ability to save an ally using devour. Getting through laning phase is no problem, he’s pretty much unkillable as long as you don’t go aggressive the entire lane.
Mid-game, the Kench has crazy good damage for skirmishing and 1v1’ing, as well as exceptional tankiness. Using his ultimate properly is a skill that takes time to learn, which is where his high skill ceiling comes from.
Price: 6300 IP/675 RP
Skill floor: Medium
Skill ceiling: High
3. Rakan
Contrary to popular belief, Rakan’s effectiveness doesn’t come down to “Press R then W”. Every engage needs to be a lot more calculated, Rakan is relatively squishy so any kind of DPS champion can delete him.
So many times I’ve seen a Rakan get a ‘good’ 3 or 4 man engage, not knowing his team-mates are nowhere near close enough to follow-up, before spam pinging “?”. Managing your E range is difficult too without Xayah as the radius is quite small.
A bad Rakan will simply feed over and over, such engage potential should not be taken for granted.
Price: 6300 IP/675 RP
Skill floor: Medium
Skill ceiling: High
2. Thresh
There’s very, very few moments in League of Legends that are as satisfying as an epic Thresh hook. Predicting a Flash or dash is incredible, Thresh completely overhauled the support role upon his release. Players suddenly had a versatile and fun playmaking support champion.
With a fairly generous hook hitbox, it’s surprisingly easy to land them. Thresh’s flay and ultimate abilities are also straightforward, the only difficulty in Thresh’s kit is last hitting creeps for Targon’s Brace procs!
Price: 6300 IP/675 RP
Skill floor: Low
Skill ceiling: Medium
1. Pyke
Just the 1 ability sets Pyke apart from any other support, in the form of his R. An AoE execute that resets sounds so fun to use, especially in the support role as it shares kill gold. Of course, an assassin support will always be more enjoyable than any other type and Pyke being the only assassin support secures him the number 1 spot!
With plenty of CC, damage and outplay potential, Pyke is relevant in all stages of the game and you’ll never find yourself yawning. He’s easily the most fun support champion in League of Legends!
Price: 6300 IP/675 RP
Skill floor: High
Skill ceiling: High
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