Top 10 Most Fun AD Carries – League of Legends


For many years, an ADC in the botlane was mandatory in any competitive game. Marksman wield a huge amount of damage, with most of them buffing the damage or attack speed of their basic attacks. Supports are dedicated to keeping the ADC alive or gifting them kills, this role feels like one of the most rewarding in the game!

Right now in Season 8, marksman in the bot lane have taken a huge hit to their viability. Increases to costs of crit items has phased a ton of different ADCs out of the meta entirely.

Regardless, ranged carries are still insanely fun to play. If you can survive the abysmal early game, you’ll still melt tanks and delete squishies in the mid to late game!


10. Miss Fortune

Miss Fortune, one of the most fun AD Carries in League of Legends

The ideal choice for those in low ELO, Miss Fortune can delete squishies with ease. After building up Duskblade, an auto-attack + Q combo can deal heavy damage. E spam combined with Arcane Comet makes great poke, whittling them down until you can land an empowered Q.

Miss Fortune’s ultimate is easy to counter overall, with shielding or applying CC all but negating its damage. Casual or low skilled players don’t know this though, earning multi-kills is no problem against these types of players.

Overall she’s a high damage carry but a lack of skill expression means there’s plenty of other fun options in the game!

Price: 3150 IP/790 RP

Skill floor: Low

Skill ceiling: Low


9. Varus

Varus, one of the most fun AD Carries in League of Legends

For many years, Varus was just a poke bot in the mid lane. Picked to be an AD artillery mage alternate, it took years for players to figure out how great he is in the bot lane. You can build crit, mana, on-hit or even an AP/AD hybrid. Such flexibility, combined with great CC in his E & R make Varus a reliable choice in the bot lane.

Q poking can be extremely satisfying, not much in League of Legends can compare to a max range snipe!

Price: 4800 IP/880 RP

Skill floor: Low

Skill ceiling: Medium


8. Jinx

Jinx, one of the most fun AD Carries in League of Legends

When the Get Jinxed music video was released, hype for this champion grew exponentially. So much so that the video has over 73 million views, being the 2nd most watched video on League of Legends’ YouTube channel. Jinx has sprung in and out of the meta but she’s always retained a decent play-rate.

Her kit isn’t even that unique to be fair, her weapon swapping is about the most distinctive part. Thematically, Jinx’s explosive personality is just too exciting to pass up on!

Price: 6300 IP/975 RP

Skill floor: Low

Skill ceiling: Medium


7. Draven

Draven, one of the most fun AD Carries in League of Legends

In terms of raw damage output, Draven is unique. Even at low levels, if Draven gets an early B.F Sword he can carve his way to several more kills with ease, if you can catch his axes. Playing Draven also requires you to take part in a mini-game, each projectile you throw while your Q (spinning axe) is active deals signifant bonus damage and bounces back, you need to move to its landing space to catch it and reset the spinning.

While getting the basics of axe catching is fairly simple, learning to kite correctly as well as not be punished in lane (as opponents can see where you’re going to go) is tough!

Price: 4800 IP/880 RP

Skill floor: High

Skill ceiling: Very High


6. Xayah

Xayah & Rakan, a really fun ADC and Support

Xayah has to be one of the best hyper-carries in the game, especially so when combined with Rakan. Her kit has its own Attack Speed buff in the form of her W, allowing her to build straight AD without sacrificing DPS. She is primarily crit based though like many hyper-carries, Xayah also has a powerful root at her disposal.

Arguably her greatest asset is the ultimate, avoiding all damage when used. Self-protection for an ADC is bizarre yet she remains strong but not broken.

Price: 6300 IP/975 RP

Skill floor: Low

Skill ceiling: High


5. Lucian

Lucian, one of the most fun AD Carries in League of Legends

Lucian sacrifices range, utilising pistols, in favor of dual weapons. After using an ability, Lucian fires 2 shots for his next auto-attack. Building up Cooldown Reduction allows you to make the most of his passive, proc’ing the double shot more often.

Playing this ADC feels badass, his short range is only a downside in terms of gameplay, thematically you feel like a boss when you success with Lucian. Capable of being flexed into the mid or even top lanes too, learning Lucian is well worth the time it’d take!

Price: 6300 IP/975 RP

Skill floor: Medium

Skill ceiling: Very High


4. Kai’Sa

Kai'Sa, one of the most fun AD Carries in League of Legends

The most recently released ADC on this list, Kai’Sa was met with mixed receptions after she hit the Rift. Quickly becoming a great champion even in pro play, Riot hotfixed her crazy damage shortly after release. She’s since been changed further and her competence was decreased heavily with the huge nerfs to crit items.

All of Kai’Sa’s damaging abilities have both AD & AP ratios, there’s quite a few ways you can build her. Excelling in all areas of team-fights and skirmishes, Kai’sa is a versatile and powerful ADC, making her a blast to use!

Price: 6300 IP/975 RP

Skill floor: Low

Skill ceiling: High


3. Jhin

Jhin, one of the most fun AD Carries in League of Legends

Considered one of, if not the most thematically brilliant champion in the entire game, Jhin is insanely fun to play. Music plays as he enters the Rift, setting the scene and getting you in the mood for some ice blooded murder. Surviving laning phase can be tough, mana costs are high and last-hitting competently is difficult with Jhin’s 4-shot system. Basically zero mobility means he’s a sitting duck if caught out.

Once you get a few items though, Jhin is a glass cannon. Capable of 2 hitting squishies, his movement speed boosts after each crit give you plenty of opportunities to re-position yourself mid-fight. Tracking your ammo count, mana resources and positioning makes Jhin one of the hardest champions available!

Price: 6300 IP/975 RP

Skill floor: High

Skill ceiling: Very High


2. Ezreal

Ezreal, one of the most fun AD Carries in League of Legends

Considered a fan-favorite, players love Ezreal for his Q poke and E mobility. As well as basic attacks, Ezreal’s DPS comes in the form of landing Q, which has great damage ratios. AP, AD or a mixture, Ezreal will perform well at all stages of the game.

Blue Ezreal is his most common build, stacking mana with Manamune for huge resource reserves while retaining his damage values. His R being a global is great for Dragon/Baron steals, long-range snipes and wave clearing.

Price:  4800 IP/880 RP

Skill floor: Low

Skill ceiling: High


1. Vayne

Vayne, one of the most fun AD Carries in League of Legends

Popping off with Vayne is unlike anything else in the entirety of League of Legends. When a fight starts, activating her ultimate and playing your way through 3 or even 4 members is unbelievable. There’s a reason you see Vayne in countless montages.

Ignoring her dreadful early game, Vayne is undoubtedly the most fun ADC in the game. After around 2 items, you’ll be able to 1v1 anyone and if you’re skillful enough, you can win entire fights by yourself.

Price: 4800 IP/880 RP

Skill floor: Medium

Skill ceiling: Very High


Ryan McKenna

About Ryan McKenna Gamer, father, and overall nerd.

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