Top 10 Best Yugioh Card Rarities


High rarity cards are among the most sought after aspects of Yugioh, they aren’t any better than their common variants but everyone from collectors to casual players enjoys a good rarity.

Getting a cool monster with epic shininess is glorious, very few moments are as good as getting a high rarity card in a booster pack.

This list will detail the best rarities in the game, such rarities will be owned by almost every player so if you’re having trouble deciphering the rarity of your best cards, this list is for you!

No matter how good the card is, a high rarity will multiple its awesomeness seven-fold. Use a deck full of commons, then use the same deck in high rarities and you’ll see exactly what I mean!

10) Platinum Rare

Platinum rare, one of the best rarities in Yugioh

Year Introduced: 2014

Found only in the Noble Knights of the Round Table box set, Platinum rare cards are few in number but look surprisingly cool.

Pipping the ever-common Gold rarity to the list, Platinum rare cards propose a darker variant of the Gold rarity, looking great without being a bit too flamboyant.

9) Ghost & Gold Rare

Ghost Gold rare, one of the best rarities in Yugioh

Year Introduced: 2012

I personally despise this rarity but I know plenty of people who think it’s one of the best rarities in the game.

For me there’s a bit too much going on, Ghost rare cards are great on their own, they don’t need the Gold adding to it. While I dislike this rarity for those reasons, you’ll probably love it for the same reasons.

It’s certainly a conversation starter, Ghost/Gold rare cards are few and far between (only 6 of them exist), creating a talking point whenever they’re seen in real life.

8) Secret Rare

Secret rare, one of the best rarities in Yugioh

Year Introduced: 2004

In the early stages of Yugioh’s history, the secret rarity was reserved for only the most powerful cards.

Nowadays, the rarity is still fairly exclusive but every player has a huge amount of them.

This is a good thing overall, secret rare cards look incredible and it’s great to see their prevalence in so many decks!

7) Ultimate Rare

Ultimate rare, one of the best rarities in Yugioh

Year Introduced: 2004

Almost completely ruining a card’s art isn’t enough to deter this entry from appearing in the top 5.

Not only is the card art itself barely visible, the name, border, attribute and levels are also massively distorted.

All of this adds up to one of the shiniest rarities you can find in the entire game.

Some of the first ultimate cards include Charcoal Inpachi, Hammer Shot, and Ojama King.

6) Gold Secret Rare

Gold secret rare, one of the best rarities in Yugioh

Year Introduced: 2013

Of all rarities on this list, Gold Secret rare cards are the most over-the-top, crazy rarities with so much going on.

It barely looks like a Yugioh card, yet Konami has done an amazing job with their creations.

Instead of investing the rarity over the card art so much, the actual monster depicted in the art is left relatively unscathed.

This creates a truly epic rarity that really brings out the monster it’s trying to show off.

5) Ultra Parallel Rare

Ultra parallel rare, one of the best rarities in Yugioh

Year Introduced: 2006

Get yourself an Ultra rare card and add a huge, shiny layer on top of it. That’s right, the entire card. Such a rarity is hardly seen in the Yugioh scene, with so few players having obtained one in their duelling career.

Not only this, you can’t even view this rarity in the official card database.

A big problem with this rarity is their tendency to lose shininess, that layer over the top can be easily rubbed off, which sadly happened to me and my Spear Dragon 🙁

Available only for Hobby League participants, it is technically the rarest card rarity to find in good condition.

4) Prismatic Secret Rare

Prismatic Secret rare, one of the best rarities in Yugioh

Year Introduced: 2015

Take a Secret rare card and rotate those diagonal lines to a more horizontal pattern. You end up with the Prismatic Secret rarity, which looks so damn incredible.

Known as the standard Secret rarity in the OCG, the TCG seldom sees this rarity as it’s only given to a handful of cards.

Very few decent cards have been granted such a unique rarity as well, so you’ll barely ever see it in your lifetime unless it gets re-printed of course, which is unlikely.

3) Starlight Rare

Year Introduced: 2019

Starlight rarity is one of the newest addition to the Yugioh franchise and it’s one of the most unique. The whole card is covered in a shiny pattern and each starlight rare card sells for hundreds of dollars.

They do look amazing, with their appearance matching their scarcity. Pulling a starlight rare card will give you your investment back sevenfold.

2) Collector’s Rare

Year Introduced: 2020

Incredibly rare and valuable, this rarity is often reserved for the best cards in a set. They are released in more common rarities but the CR versions are worth a lot more.

Each Collector’s Rare card is imprinted with a cool overlay of shininess that envelops the whole card. It’s a unique pattern that is hard to describe (and take a picture of).

1) Ghost Rare

Ghost rare, the best card rarity in Yugioh!

Year Introduced: 2007

The number 1 entry has to be the Ghost rarity, no other level of shininess comes close.

Prior to a few years ago, Ghost rare cards would have their monsters barely visible whereas now, they’re much easier to spot.

Not only this, they come with a mind-boggling 3D effect for maximum awesomeness.

Every player aspires to own a Ghost rare card, even if it’s going to sit in their binder.

Due to this huge widespread devotion, Ghost rare cards are easily the best rarities in the entire game!


Ryan McKenna

About Ryan McKenna Gamer, father, and overall nerd.

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