Yu-Gi-Oh: Top 10 Best Synchro Monsters


Ever since their release, synchro monsters have made the game much more fun and enjoyable.

It gave Konami more freedom when it comes to designing new cards, synchro monsters can be insanely powerful with the trade-off of difficult summoning conditions.

Over the years, stronger and stronger synchro monsters have been released, yet the veteran cards are still going strong.

Finding the right monsters for your extra deck can be a pain, understandably, as there are countless synchro monsters to choose from.

Hopefully, this list will help you to determine which cards are best for your deck!

10) Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

Brionac Dragon of the Ice Barrier, one of the best synchro monsters in Yugioh

Simple but effective, Brionac can guarantee an OTK if needed. While its ATK & DEF stats are quite low, the competence of Brionac’s effect cannot be understated.

It’ll give you the opportunity to clear your opponent’s field before you finally go in for that killing blow.

Such an effect is also great for returning any of your cards or dumping cards from your hand into the graveyard!

9) Clear Wing Synchro Dragon

Clear Wing Synchro Dragon, one of the best synchro monsters in Yugioh

The only level 7 synchro monster you will ever need is this one, it offers way too much to turn down any other. Let’s be honest, pretty much every deck has easily accessible high-level monsters.

Clear Wing Synchro Dragon is the bane of such cards, shutting them down before they even get going.

8) Goyo Guardian

Goyo Guardian, one of the best synchro monsters in Yugioh

No wonder it was banned for years, such a disgusting effect was broken before it hit the forbidden list. A level 6 monster with 2800 ATK & the ability to special summon any monsters it destroys is amazing.

Unfortunately, Yu-Gi-Oh in 2022 is a completely different game and monsters with no built-in protection have been left behind.

However, Goyo Guardian is still a great monster to include in an Extra Deck for a surprise play.

7) Stardust Dragon

Stardust Dragon, one of the best synchro monsters in Yugioh

One of the more classic cards on the list, Stardust Dragon was among the first synchro monsters for us to be introduced to. Even though it was released nearly 10 years ago (seriously!), you shouldn’t underestimate this card as it can save your day if used in the right situations.

Having the ability to negate a destructive card is surprisingly underutilized but Stardust Dragon is both easy to summon and powerful when it hits the field.

6) Ultimaya Tzolkin

Ultimaya Tzolkin, Yugioh Dragon type monster

Ultimaya Tzolkin has a unique summoning method, something in-between a synchro and XYZ summon. It’s also by far the most unique synchro monster overall, applying effects never before seen in Yugioh.

While it’s on the field, it’ll stay there untouched as it gives you a free level 7 or 8 synchro dragon-type monster each turn, so long as you set a spell or trap card.

Ultimaya Tzolkin is awesome both in its art and effects and can be used in a myriad of different strategies.

5) Borreload Savage Dragon

Built specifically to work around the Rokket archetypes and engines, Borreload Savage Dragon is leading the line of one of the best competitive decks in Yu-Gi-Oh.

Boasting an extremely powerful negate effect, you can win entire duels by summoning this level 8 Synchro monster.

A formidable ATK stat of 3000 is also handy for beating down bosses or dealing heavy direct damage.

4) PSY-Framelord Omega

Limited to 1 copy per extra deck, Omega has been a staple Synchro monster for many years.

It is ridiculously easy to summon due to the lack of type/attribute requirements, as well as it being level 8.

Summon it first turn to make your opponent start their own turn with 5 cards, not nearly enough to react to a board you’ve created.

Decent ATK stats and a recycling effect increase its worthiness on this list.

3) Naturia Beast

Naturia Beast, one of the best level 5 monsters in Yugioh

Mandatory in any Earth-attribute based deck. Naturia Beast is a competitive staple that any player should own.

Spell cards essentially run Yu-Gi-Oh right now, with a simple spell activation paving the way for huge combos that summon up to a dozen monsters.

A simple level 5 Synchro summon of Naturia Beast can negate your opponent’s combos before they even happen.

2) Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

Trishula Dragon of the Ice Barrier, the best level 9 monster in Yugioh

Another limited card, only 1 copy allowed per extra deck.

Trishula’s effect is one of the strongest in the entire game, banishing up to 3 cards without even targeting.

Requirement 3 materials, as well as being level 9 make it a bit awkward to summon but many decks can do so as standard.

Overall, Trishula is close to being the best Synchro monster in the game thanks to its absurdly strong effect.

1) Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon

Yugioh Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon

Once worth over $40, Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon is one of the most coveted non-archetype cards in the entire game.

This card will leave your opponent in a precarious position, wondering which monster effect you’ll negate and how to get rid of it.

For a card that does have some fairly demanding synchro material requirements, it is understandable why they made it so epic!


Ryan McKenna

About Ryan McKenna Gamer, father, and overall nerd.

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