Top 10 Best Outfits in Fallout Shelter


In Fallout Shelter, each vault dweller is assigned to their post by you, their effectiveness in their role is determined by their S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats. Assigning the right dwellers to their relevant jobs is extremely important for optimising efficiency and keeping your dwellers happy. Outfits help immensely in this regard, boosting several stats to assist your dwellers in their jobs.

After exploring the wasteland a few times, you’ll quickly build up copious amounts of outfits and it can get a bit overwhelming. Some aren’t worth keeping while others are amazing, this list will detail the best outfits in the game for you to look out for!


10. Expert Lab Coat

Expert Lab Coat, one of the best outfits in Fallout Shelter

Providing the most Intelligence out of any outfit in Fallout Shelter, the Expert Lab Coat is your go-to suit for some great Stim-Pack making. With a bonus of 7 to Intelligence, no other coat grants as much which makes this entry the best of its type.

Other Lab Coats provide similar stats but obviously give a little bit less. Make sure you keep hold of any Lab Coats you encounter!

Strength: 0

Perception: 0

Endurance: 0

Charisma: 0

Intelligence: 7

Agility: 0

Luck: 0


9. Heavy Vault Suit

Heavy Vault Suit, one of the best outfits in Fallout Shelter

Pretty much the same as the Expert Lab Coat, only the Heavy Vault Suit provides Perception instead. It looks awesome too, there’s something so cool about a mixture of vault suits and armor. While no other stats are provided, the Heavy Vault Suit is perfect for those dwellers with high amounts of stats other than Perception.

Strength: 0

Perception: 7

Endurance: 0

Charisma: 0

Intelligence: 0

Agility: 0

Luck: 0


8. Original Santa Suit

Original Santa Suit, one of the best outfits in Fallout Shelter

Not the greatest balance of stats available but overall, the Original Santa Suit can provide a very nice boost for dwellers in dire need of S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats. Perception, Endurance and Charisma are helpful when exploring the wasteland, Charisma also helps to increase the time it takes for dwellers to mate!

Strength: 0

Perception: 4

Endurance: 3

Charisma: 4

Intelligence: 0

Agility: 0

Luck: 0


7. Famine’s Vestment

Famine's Vestment, one of the best outfits in Fallout Shelter

Granting the wearer a huge total of 16 S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats is the Famine’s Vestment, giving a large variety of options to the desired dweller. Effective for either a Power or Lab worker, you can also outfit an explorer with this garment to increase their capabilities!

Strength: 4

Perception: 0

Endurance: 4

Charisma: 0

Intelligence: 4

Agility: 0

Luck: 4


6. Death’s Jacket

Death's Jacket, one of the best outfits in Fallout Shelter

A lack of strength can be a problem due to squishiness but the Death’s Jacket brings a lot more to the table. Agility boosts the fire-rate of your dweller, regardless of the weapon. Perception helps to find landmarks and increase your accuracy with the critical hit modifier. Luck is self explanatory really.

This outfit equips your dweller with enough stats to help considerably in the wasteland, or simply boost their job effectiveness.

Strength: 0

Perception: 4

Endurance: 4

Charisma: 0

Intelligence: 0

Agility: 4

Luck: 4


5. Lucky Nightwear

Lucky Nightwear, one of the best outfits in Fallout Shelter

Not just the Lucky Nightwear variant, any Nightwear is absolutely crucial, especially in the early stages of your Vault’s development. Giving your dweller a massive Charisma boost of 7, the reason this outfit makes the top 5 is quite easy to explain.

You’ll likely acquire a powerful dweller at some point, around 60-70 population. Equipping him/her with some Nightwear will allow them to mate quickly, which is absolutely incredible when a male wears it. Getting 20 women pregnant with 1 guy who has insanely high stats will give you 20 fairly decent S.P.E.C.I.A.L dwellers after 6 hours!

Strength: 0

Perception: 0

Endurance: 0

Charisma: 7

Intelligence: 0

Agility: 0

Luck: 0


4. Detective Outfit

Detective Outfit, one of the best outfits in Fallout Shelter

Supply 16 S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats, a theme is now trending among the rest of the outfits on this list. With more utility stats than combat stats, the Detective Outfit will make dealing with friendly NPCs a lot easier, as well as finding rare loot.

Definitely don’t try sending 1 person wearing this to do a quest, instead have one alongside one or two allies with strong combat stats for maximum competence.

Strength: 0

Perception: 4

Endurance: 4

Charisma: 0

Intelligence: 4

Agility: 0

Luck: 4


3. Pestilence’s Plating

Pestilence's Plating, one of the best outfits in Fallout Shelter

Taking on the appearance of the Synth Armor, Pestilence’s Plating offers a ton while looking awesome. The stats provided are exceptional for workers, as well as being surprisingly powerful on explorers or questers.

Strength: 0

Perception: 0

Endurance: 4

Charisma: 4

Intelligence: 4

Agility: 4

Luck: 0


2. Rackie Jobinson’s Jersey

Rackie Jobinson's Jersey, one of the best outfits in Fallout Shelter

For just a baseball suit, you’d expect this outfit to be nothing more than a Charisma formality. In fact, Rackie Jobinson’s Jersey has some of the best combat stats in the entire game. Strength reduces the damage taken while Agility increases the dweller’s fire-rate.

No Endurance means your dweller’s HP pool suffers a bit but this entry is still one of the go-to combat outfits available!

Strength: 4

Perception: 4

Endurance: 0

Charisma: 4

Intelligence: 0

Agility: 4

Luck: 0


1. War’s Armor

War's Armor, the best outfit in Fallout Shelter!

In terms of raw combat power, War’s armor is unparalleled. While Charisma doesn’t exactly help in a firefight, the other stats are exactly what a dweller needs to survive. No agility means no increase to weapon fire-rate but equip a max Agility dweller with this outfit and they’ll be nigh unkillable.

It also looks completely bad-ass too, to say the least. As does all power armor, make full use of this outfit if you get it, just know it can’t be crafted!

Strength: 4

Perception: 4

Endurance: 4

Charisma: 4

Intelligence: 0

Agility: 0

Luck: 0


Ryan McKenna

About Ryan McKenna Gamer, father, and overall nerd.

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