Minecraft: Top 10 Best Enchantments


Enchantments in Minecraft were a great addition, they provided players with more end-game content and added a ton of functionality to other features.

Right now, the “default” gamestate you’re at when you enter a new world is far below the cut.

You need easier ways of acquiring resources, you need better equipment and you need better ways of acquiring all of those things.

Enchantments are the answer!

For every aspect of survival in Minecraft, there’s an enchantment out there. Whether you want to be a miner, a fighter or a sea explorer, you need to know what enchantments to go for!


10. Aqua Affinity

Increases mining speed while underwater. Aqua Affinity is a godsend to any who enjoy the sea life.

Mining blocks underwater can be difficult at times, with you needing to catch your breath or defend yourself from sea-based mobs. Especially while trying to find buried treasure.

Aqua Affinity will make any sea adventure far more bareable. There’s plenty of incredible loot to be out in the ocean, including those that are needed to make a beacon.

Of course, with it being almost useless outside of the ocean, you won’t want to go for it until you’ve got the great blue sea on your sights.


9. Loyalty

Loyalty forces any Trident to return to you, after being thrown.

With Tridents being one of the best weapons in Minecraft, it’s difficult to find and enchant.

Well worth it, though, with each throw dealing a significant amount of damage to any mob.


8. Lure

Fishing is a boring, but under-rated, way of obtaining items in Minecraft. 

Raw fish provide excellent food when cooked. Pufferfish are used for Water Breathing Potions and you can even find Enchanted Books, Saddles, and Name Tags.

Such a method of acquiring loot is a welcome change of pace, at times.

Lure is required on any fishing rod, as it’ll drastically reduce the time it takes for a fish to bite. Waiting upwards of 60 seconds to get a catch is simply not worth the time.


7. Fire Aspect

Setting fire to any mob hit by your attack, Fire Aspect is a must-have for any survival Minecraft player.

Not just due to the damage it deals over time, Fire Aspect will immediately cook any meat dropped by mobs.

With furnaces and campfires being so easily available, it’s not the most game-breaking enchantment in the world.

However, saving scraps of time/resources here and there, will provide more time/resources for your other needs.


6. Unbreaking

There’s nothing worse than being down in a cave network, knowing your tools are going to break any second. 

Unbreaking will massively increase the durability of your tools, weapons or armor. Default durability stats are pretty low, even on diamond gear. 

Repairing is a constant annoyance and goes through considerable amounts of resources.

If you really don’t mind the default durability levels then feel free to add a different enchantment. But it’s always good to have a reliable set of Unbreaking enchanted equipment.


5.  Looting

Looting will increase any loot received by killed mobs, including animals. 

Every piece of loot, including equipment from zombies/skeletons (at higher difficulties) has a higher chance of dropping!

So, if you’re in need of brewing materials, string, bones, arrows, etc, then add Looting to one of your swords. 

In general, you can never have too much loot. Getting even level 1 looting on a weapon is a sure-fire way of filling your chests.


4. Silk Touch

Any block destroyed by an item with Silk Touch will drop the original block.

So if you mine Stone with a Silk Touch Pickaxe, it’ll drop the Stone block, rather than a Cobblestone block.

Some notable examples are:

It’s simply another enchantment that makes your life a whole lot easier.

Recommend having a “main” pickaxe for mining things that don’t require Silk Touch, as well as a pickaxe with this enchantment.


3. Infinity

Infinity gives you unlimited ammo for your bow, so long as you hold at least 1 arrow in your inventory.

Arrows are surprisingly difficult to get, compared to how fast they are used. Flint, sticks, and feathers require a ton of farming to get.

Going for Infinity is a much easier option, and will be perfect for boss fights, as well as while traveling through the Nether.

Ghasts are a huge pain in the Nether so having a steady stream of arrow fire at your disposal is invaluable.


2. Mending

Placing the Mending enchantment on every tool, weapon, and armor piece can save a ton of time and resources.

The easiest way to get a Mending book is to find a Librarian who can trade you one.

You can destroy the Librarian’s job block, Lectern, and place it down again to reset the stock they buy/sell.

Do this over and over, until you have an easy supply of Mending books.


1. Fortune

Mining vast amounts of ores can take a tediously long time. Even with a good pickaxe, large projects can take a while to fund. 

With fortune, you don’t need to worry about that. You can easily acquire stack upon stack of coal, lapis & redstone. Diamonds are particularly good with fortune, as you can receive upto 4 Diamonds per ore with a Fortune 3 enchantment!

No other enchantment has such an effect on your play-through as Fortune, making it the best enchantment in the game.


Ryan McKenna

About Ryan McKenna Gamer, father, and overall nerd.

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