Top 10 Best Jinx Odyssey Augments – League of Legends


Jinx has by far the most unique and versatile augments in Odyssey, so much so that an AP or off-tank build is actually viable. You can also choose to build crit or even on-hit, there’s so many variants available. Jinx mains have been loving the Odyssey event for that reason!

A high cooldown reduction, caster build is incredible in terms of damage though. Spamming abilities off cooldown doesn’t sound like something a Jinx would usually do but in odyssey, with the below augments, it’s a devastating strategy.

I’ll detail the 10 best augments for Jinx in Odyssey, giving you all the info you need to perform well in all difficulties!

Recommended build: Black Cleaver & Boots of Lucidity -> Death’s Dance -> Liandry’s Torment -> Guinsoo’s Rageblade


10. Scorcher

Scorcher, one of the best Jinx augments in Odyssey League of Legends

Description: Flame Chompers root for longer and amplify damage from all sources.

As you acrue some items, especially if you start off with 30% CDR using the recommended build, Flame Chompers will be used frequently. While other abilities are better for using your augment slots on, Flame Chompers can be optimised if you don’t have the others on this list!

Scorcher is a simple buff, doubling the root time while also forcing the opponent to take 30% more damage from all sources while rooted.


9. Hoppers

Hoppers, one of the best Jinx augments in Odyssey League of Legends

Description: Flame Chompers hop towards enemies and lower their cooldown on hit.

Landing Flame Chompers can be difficult, enemy minions move quite frantically and there’s a ton of displacement on offer. The Hoppers augment solves this, sending your Chompers to suicide onto an enemy. For each enemy hit, the cooldown is reduced by 10%!

With no limit to how much cooldown reduction you can achieve, pairing this augment up with other Flame Chomper powers can result in up to 90% CDR, which might as well be 100% uptime.


8. Bamboozle

Bamboozle, one of the best Jinx augments in Odyssey League of Legends

Description: Jinx tosses 9 Flame Chompers in a circle. Flame Chompers deal more damage.

Looking at the previous 2 augments, they aren’t worth using unless you have Bamboozle instead. This augment really does boost the power of the Hoppers/Scorcher augments mentioned previously, multiplying the damage and CC output by 3.

Jinx’s E will also receive a nice 15% damage boost too!


7. Splitter

Splitter, one of the best Jinx augments in Odyssey League of Legends

Description: Zap fires 2 additional beams in a spread shot.

Jinx’s W (Zap!) is usually nothing more than a low-damaging, hard to land slow. Outside of normal game mods, Zap! can be amplified by the Splitter augment, shooting 3 beams in lines similar to Twisted Fate’s Q. That’s about it, with multiple hits on the same target dealing 50% less damage for balance reasons.


6. TAG!

TAG, one of the best Jinx augments in Odyssey League of Legends

Description: Zap slows more and grants an infinite range critical strike against its targets.

Providing a huge boost to your aoe efforts is the TAG! augment, which triggers after Jinx’s W hits an enemy. If it does, Jinx can attack them with unlimited range for a critical strike, as well as slow them by twice as much.

Clusters of enemies will be easily dealt with by this augment and not just by the critical strikes, the slows are amazing!


5. Plan: Z

Plan Z, one of the best Jinx augments in Odyssey League of Legends

Description: Defensive items grant bonus AD and AP.

Squishiness is a problem for Jinx, Riot recognised this and they’ve offered players an alternate path. Building some CDR items with tanky stats (like the recommended build) will grant you even more AD and AP. Jinx doesn’t want to build for single target DPS in Odyssey, she needs to spam her augmented abilities and Plan: Z is great for fortifying this strategy.

Each item that grants bonus health, magic resist or armor will also grant 25 AD and AP while this augment is equipped!


4. Runaway

Runaway, one of the best Jinx augments in Odyssey League of Legends

Description: Zap passes through targets and deals bonus damage for each target hit.

Combine Runaway with the other W augments on this list for damage and CC of epic proportions. A tiny cooldown after reaching 40% CDR means you can use Zap! every few seconds, dealing major damage to groups of enemies, even bosses.

For each enemy hit, the projectile’s damage is increased by a bizarre 30%!


3. Plan: A

Plan A, one of the best Jinx augments in Odyssey League of Legends

Description: Spell hits deal extra damage over time and grant stacks of Rev’d Up.

As well as massive AoE burst damage and ability spamming, damage-over-time abilities are also effective. Rev’d Up is the stacking mechanic she has, which increases her attack speed (read more in her Q details).

Each spell hit will deal 50 true damage, increased by her AD and AP, over 2 seconds. With Liandry’s you’ll be surprised just how much damage Jinx can do over time.


2. Arsenal

Arsenal, one of the best Jinx augments in Odyssey League of Legends

Description: Carry up to 3 Mega Death Comets at a time. Mega Death Comets have a lower cooldown

Having access to 3 ultimates in the space of a few seconds is incredible, especially when you unleash all 3 on one unlucky boss. This augment increases the amount of Mega Death Comets Jinx can hold, as well as reducing its cooldown by 15%.

With 40% cooldown reduction from items, you almost always have at least one ultimate available at any given time.


1. Comet

Comet, the best Jinx augment in Odyssey League of Legends

Description: Mega Death Comet passes through enemies and leaves a trail of fire in its wake.

For synergising with her kit and other augments, Comet is by far the best augment available. Jinx’s ultimate will no longer explode upon contact with an enemy, instead it’ll leave behind a trail of fire that significantly burns any enemies who are standing on it.

What’s crazy is how much damage it actually outputs, with the base damage being 100 per R level, plus 120% of your AD and 60% of your AP.

As well as this damage, enemies are slowed by 40%, which just adds more to their pain!


Ryan McKenna

About Ryan McKenna Gamer, father, and overall nerd.

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