UPDATED March 27th, 2024
Launched in 1998, Darkeden immediately became a massive hit in Asia, eventually branching off into servers that reached Western audiences.
Over time, however, its prominence has waned, leaving it a hidden gem unknown to many modern gamers. Such a shame too, as it has a super unique aesthetic, gameplay loop, and lore set!
Yet, it boasts a passionate global community dedicated to keeping its legacy alive.
Through the years, numerous servers have emerged—while many vanish shortly after their debut, a select few have stood the test of time.
This devotion sees veteran players stepping up to launch their own servers, driven by their deep love for the game. I even tried to create one myself, although it’s a lot harder than it looks, lol.
My quest for the perfect server has been ongoing, dedicating the past year to playtesting various options, adding to the extensive list of over a dozen servers I’ve experienced throughout my journey.
I’ve curated the finest list of private Darkeden servers on the internet. No other article will show you which servers are currently online!
As well as active servers, you can also see remnants of old servers at the bottom of the list. While they are currently closed down, there’s a chance they could return in the future.
What is Darkeden?
Darkeden is a MMORPG based in a post-apocalyptic world ruled by Vampires and other monsters. Other races, such as Slayers (humans) and Ousters (fairy-like race) also fight for territory and resources.
Players can explore the world, farming mobs by the thousands go gain exp, honor, and reputation. Mobs (and bosses) also drop items.

Darkeden has a deep item building mechanic, allowing you to finetune your items to your perfect liking. For example, you can choose to be a Slayer who wields a large blade.
Then you can choose whether to have fast attack speed and high dodge chance, or high crit chance and damage.
Overall, it has a super deep gameplay arc and you can easily sink 100s of hours into it. However, like any game from the 90s, it does have a lot of quirks to live with.
Can I make my own private Darkeden server?
You can, but it isn’t easy. If you have the patience, you can certainly set your own server up.
There is a V2 server files link here: https://forum.ragezone.com/threads/release-darkeden-v2-guide-server-files-client.997269/
But I haven’t tested it, and not sure if anyone likes V2 anymore anyway. 😀
DK Legend

Website: www.dklegend.com
Date opened: September 2009
Exp-Rate: 1x
Version: Not sure. Updated regularly, must be its own version?
By far the most stable and active Darkeden community you’ll find!
With a tiny 1x exp rate, you’ll grind for hundreds of hours to get that full set and max level.
However, with constant updates and a passionate community, DK Legend is your best option if you want a long-term Darkeden experience.
DK Lilith

Website: https://www.dklilith.com/
Date opened: December 2022
Exp-Rate: 20x
Version: V6.84
Servers located in Canada, might not be appropriate for players outside the Americas.
Hawk (DK Lilith Admin)
Darkeden Thunder

Website: https://www.dkthunder.com/
Date opened: February 2024
Exp-Rate: 250
Version: Not sure
N/A – no active players currently
DK 2Legacy

Website: https://www.dk2legacy.com/
Date opened: February 2024
Exp-Rate: 30x
Version: Not listed (assume an old version)
Seems to have an active website with lots of guides and events. 🙂
Darkeden Phoenix BR

Website: https://darkedenphoenix.com.br/
Date opened:
No review provided. Gameplay here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFYnBuWLwpc
DK Forever

Website: https://dkforever.com/
Date opened: 2024
Exp-Rate: Low
Version: 2.61
What I can say is that the staff team is very active and renewing the server, I don’t think they are playing with people, they are responsible people and the server is relatively easy.
By Edvinas
DK Furia Negra

Website: https://www.dkfurianegra.com/index.html
Date opened: 2024
Exp-Rate: 45x
Version: 9
Looks like a more fun/arcade Darkeden experience as you get a lot of market points for simply killing monsters.
DK Hardcore

Website: https://dkhardcore.com/
Date opened: January 2022
Exp-Rate: Low
Version: V2
Classic server, only Slayer vs Vampires, and very low rates. True hardcore 90s MMO experience.
Darkeden Nostalgic

Website: www.dknostalgic.com
Date opened: October 2019
Exp-Rate: 500x
Version: 6.68
Used to play it, level 250 vamp with full set etc (IGN: DevlinCr0w). Then it went down.
Seems it’s back up, but all previous accounts were deleted. Not yet played the new Nostalgic.
Darkeden Mobile – CLOSED
iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/dark-eden-m-global/id1603811136
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wemadeconnect.aos.darkedenglobal
Date opened: May 2022
Exp-rate: 1x
Version: Mobile (new)
Brand new mobile game version, similar to normal Darkeden. Still playing the game, seems very grindy so far.
Darkeden Cronus – CLOSED
Website: www.dkcronus.com
Date opened: October 2020
Exp-Rate: 45x
Version: v6
JC takes a few hours, articles and items seem easy to get. Wasn’t many players when I tested it, though.
Heard reports of this server’s install containing a trojan virus.
DK Revenge – CLOSED
Website: dkrevenge.com.br
Date opened: 2020
Exp-Rate: 45x
Version: V2
Not yet played this server.
Darkeden Genesis – CLOSED
Website: www.darkedengenesis.com
Date opened: ?
Exp-rate: ?
Version: ?
Not yet played this server.
Sinergia DarkEden – CLOSED
Website: darkeden.sinergia.gg
Date opened: 2019
Exp-Rate: 300x
Version: v2
Review: N/A
Darkeden Blackstar – CLOSED
Website: blackstardk.tk
Date opened: 2019
Exp-Rate: 300x
Version: v2
Review: N/A
Darkeden Ezyro – CLOSED
Website: official.dkezyro.com
Date opened: 2019
Exp-Rate: 10X
Version: V2
Review: N/A
Website: www.ndk2.com
Date opened: June 2018
Exp-rate: 120x
Version: ?
Not yet played this server.
GamenGame servers – CLOSED
Avoid like the plague. G&G are a horrific company, with absolutely no customer support and pure pay2win gameplay. Sure, their servers are updated but you really don’t want to support them.
An example is a bug that players abused, so G&G rolled back the server by over a month. This included in-game purchases, players who spent real money were NOT refunded. All they got was a few days of x2 exp.
Twilight Darkeden – CLOSED
Website: www.twilightde.com
Date opened: Not sure of exact date, at least 10 years old
Exp-rate: 50x
Version: ?
Once a huge server with a massive community. It seems the server went down some time ago and a new (or the same) team is working to get it back. Server says online on the website.
DK Dynamite – CLOSED
Website: www.dk2dnt.com
Date opened: May 2018
Exp-rate: 50x
Version: V2
Very new server, tried it but there was lots of bugs and no content. I’ve seen the admin has added a TON of stuff though as well as bug fixes and server stability. V2 Darkeden is not for me but if it’s a version you enjoy, this server seems great!
DK Bloodlines – CLOSED
Date opened: February 2012
Exp-rate: 70x
Version: V2
Has all the problems a V2 server has, quite a lot of content missing. Server seems stable though, haven’t played it enough to comment on progression.
Few players mostly all BR as far as I can tell.
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