How to Import Sprites Into Gamemaker


Downloading and importing sprites is super easy, yet it can seem overly difficult when you’re first starting out. It took me at least an hour (even with video guides!) to learn it when I started.

I noticed there is a severe lack of solid guides on the internet for this stuff. Videos are great but it’s difficult to follow them at your own pace.

So, I put together this incredibly simple guide for you to follow. Less than 10 steps are required, and there’s screenshots to guide you every step of the way!

Step 1 – Download the Sprite

If you’ve downloaded a .zip file, you’ll need to open the file -> Drag and drop the sprite into your Downloads folder

Step 2 – Create a new Sprite in GameMaker and give it a name, like “s_PlayerSprite”

Step 3 – Click “Edit Image

Step 4 – Click “Image” on the top menu -> Click “Import Strip Image”

Step 5 – Adjust the options so each frame of the sprite is selected and click “Convert” when you’re happy

Step 6 – Adjust the FPS (usually somewhere between 5-15 is good)

5fps is quite slow…

30fps is way too fast!

But 15 fps seems pretty good for this sprite!

And that’s it! All done. You can call the sprite in code or assign it to an object. It’s ready to go. 😊


Ryan McKenna

About Ryan McKenna Gamer, father, and overall nerd.

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