Epic Seven: Top 10 Best Specialty Changes


Many players get tunnel vision on their high-grade heroes, pretty much ignoring the 3-star heroes they obtain.

In the past, those heroes have lacked in the firepower or utility departments, but some of them have specialty changes that increase their effectiveness sevenfold.

These heroes are also easy to get in summons, making memory imprints easy to come by.

Investing in a couple of specialty change heroes will make your feats in Epic Seven a lot easier, whether it’s PvE or PvP you’re struggling with.

With so many specialty changes available, as well as so many resources required to complete even one of them, you need to know which specialty changes are best.

This list will give you a rundown of the best specialty changes to invest your time into.


10. Mascot Hazel

Attribute: Fire

Class: Soul Weaver

Star Sign: Aquarius

Recommended Set: Speed/HP

Skill 1

Attacks enemy with fire magic, with a 30% chance to make them unhealable for 2 turns.

Skill 2

Heals the ally proportional to the caster’s Attack and the target’s max Health, before increasing Combat Readiness of the caster by 15%.

Amount recovered is doubled when the target’s Health is 50% or less.

Skill 3

Burn Effect: Extends buff duration by 1 turn.

Encourages the target and all other allies, increasing Attack for 2 turns before recovering Health of all allies and dispelling one debuff.

If the initial target is a Fire elemental Hero, increases Attack (Greater) for 1 turn.

This effect will only be applied to one ally.

Health recovered increases proportional to the target’s max Health and the caster’s Attack.


Investing in a hero who can apply the unhealable debuff can be a lifesaver at times, especially against bosses.

Mascot Hazel is perfect for Golem hunts, as it prevents the Golem from being healed by its tree friend, as well as buffing other fire heroes to DPS the mobs down.

Expect this hero to get some buffs from Smilegate, as her kit doesn’t synergise well with many other heroes and her usage in all aspects of Epic Seven is limited.


9. Chaos Sect Axe

Attribute: Dark

Class: Warrior

Star Sign: Leo

Recommended Set: Speed/Crit Hit

Skill 1

Attacks with an axe, with a 75% chance to provoke for 1 turn. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s max Health.

Skill 2

Burn Effect: Skill cooldown is decreased by 2 turns. 

Attacks all enemies with a shockwave, before granting immunity to the caster for 1 turn.

Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s max Health.

Skill 3

Smacks the enemy, with a 80% chance to decrease Defense for 2 turns and recover Health by 20% of max Health.

When the enemy is defeated, grants an extra turn to the caster.

Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s max Health.


Sporting a mismatch of abilities that work well together is the Chaos Sect Axe, smashing enemies with his axe and refusing to die.

He does good damage but he needs some survivability, so HP substats are a must for his gearset.

Chaos Sect Axe is difficult to build properly and sees little use, so don’t go for his specialty change unless you really need him!



8. Chaos Inquisitor

Attribute: Fire

Class: Knight

Star Sign: Leo

Recommended Set: Lifesteal/Crit Hit

Skill 1

Strikes the enemy with a blade, with a 35% chance each to dispel two buffs.

Skill 2

Damage suffered in one attack does not exceed 50% of max Health.

Skill 3

Attacks the enemy in the name of Chaos, recovering Health proportional to damage dealt.

When the enemy is buffed, has a 50% chance to activate Heavy Strike.

Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s lost Health.


Extremely unique, Chaos Inquisitor is impossible to one-shot so lifesteal goes a long way in preventing his death.

He can do some good damage too, especially against enemy teams who like to run lots of buffs.

Basically zero use in PvE, this specialty change hero should be considered for PvP only.


7. Righteous Thief Roozid

Attribute: Earth

Class: Thief

Star Sign: Gemini

Recommended Set: Speed/HP

Skill 1

Cuts the enemy, with a 35% chance to decrease Speed for 2 turns.

Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s Speed.

Skill 2

Attacks with a swordstorm, with a 35% chance to decrease Attack for 2 turns.

Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s Speed.

Skill 3

Burn Effect: Grants an extra turn.

Increases Combat Readiness by 20% and grants increased Speed for 2 turns to all allies through the power of the moon.

Also grants the caster continuous heal for 2 turns.


More of a supportive hero, Roozid is excellent for backing up heroes who invest more into damage than speed.

Able to debuff the enemy’s main threat, you should build HP so he’s constantly spreading buffs/debuffs.

Many players don’t enjoy supportive heroes so it’s understandable if you pass on this specialty change, but he can be useful in PvP situations.


6. Captain Rikoris

Attribute: Light

Class: Warrior

Star Sign: Libra

Recommended Set: Speed/Hit Chance

Skill 1

Attacks with a spear, with a 35% chance to decrease Defense for 2 turns.

Effect chance increases by 25% when the caster is granted increased Speed.

Skill 2

Burn Effect: Extends buff duration by 1 turn. 

Encourages all allies, decreasing skill cooldown by 1 turn and increasing Speed for 2 turns.

Skill 3

Attacks all enemies with hard-trained spear art, with a 75% chance to dispel a buff from the target before a 75% chance to restrict for 2 turns.

Has a 75% chance to stun an enemy with the highest Combat Readiness regardless of skill miss.

Recovers caster’s Health after attack.

Amount recovered is proportional to the caster’s max Health.


Few heroes have defense break & buff dispelling in the same kit, this is where Captain Rikoris shines.

Fairly niche, his restrict debuff prevents enemies from increasing their combat readiness.

Recovering health, gaining speed and being an all-round nuisance in general, this specialty change is pretty good.




5. Mercenery Helga

Attribute: Earth

Class: Warrior

Star Sign: Sagittarius

Recommended Set: Speed/Crit Chance

Skill 1

Attacks with an axe, with a 35% chance to decrease Defense for 2 turns.

Skill 2

Strongly slams the enemy with an axe, with a 60% chance to decrease Defense for 2 turns.

A critical hit will extend any buffs granted to the caster by 1 turn.

Skill 3

Burn Effect: Extends buff duration by 1 turn.

Encourages all allies, increasing Attack and Effectiveness of all allies for 2 turns before increasing Combat Readiness of the caster by 50%.


An effective defense breaker, needed for a myriad of situations in Epic Seven.

Bosses tend to have tons of defense to keep you on your toes, so you always need to make sure you can bypass at least some of that protection.

Helga being able to buff herself, as well as all allies, is good for both PvP and PvE.


4. Falconer Kluri

Attribute: Earth

Class: Knight

Star Sign: Aries

Recommended Set: Speed/Hit Chance

Skill 1

Slams the enemy, increasing Combat Readiness of the caster by 15%. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s Defense.

Skill 2

Recovers 5.0% Health of the caster at the beginning of every turn.

Skill 3

Burn Effect: Ignores Effect Resistance. (-20 Souls)

Fluri flies towards the enemy, with a 75% chance to dispel all buffs, before a 75% chance each to provoke and decrease Defense for 2 turns.


One of the best tank heroes in Epic Seven, Falconer Kluri is a huge boost compared to her normal variant.

Her abilities look a bit bare-bones but consider her specialty perks, which constantly give combat readiness to allies.

With her attacking often, you’ll find your whole team gains tons of extra turns to use their own abilities.


3. Researcher Carrot

Attribute: Fire

Class: Mage

Star Sign: Sagittarius

Recommended Set: Attack/Hit Chance 

Skill 1

Attacks with a staff, with a 35% chance to decrease Speed for 2 turns, before detonating burn effects inflicted on the enemy at the end of the turn.

Skill 2

After being attacked, grants the caster a barrier for 1 turn and burns the attacker for 1 turn.

Barrier effect can only be activated once per turn, and barrier strength increases proportional to the caster’s Attack.

Skill 3

Attack with powerful fire, dispelling one buff before a 60% chance each to inflict two burn effects for 2 turns.


Feared in PvP for her burn based skillset, Carrot is a nightmare to defeat as she constantly applies burns to any attackers.

Being able to dispell buffs can be invaluable at times, as enemy teams love to apply all kind of stat boosts, or revive.


2. Angelic Montmorancy

Attribute: Ice

Class: Soul Weaver

Star Sign: Pisces

Recommended Set: Speed/HP

Skill 1

Attack the enemy with water energy, with a 25% chance to put them to sleep for 1 turn.

Skill 2

Dispels one debuff from all allies, and heals debuffed allies.

Amount recovered is proportional to the ally’s max Health.

Skill 3

Burn Effect: Effect is granted to all allies. 

Recovers ally’s Health and grants immunity for 2 turns, dispelling 2 debuffs.

Also increases caster’s Combat Readiness by 50%.

Amount recovered is proportional to the target’s max Health.


One of the best tank healers in the game, Angelic Montmorancy is the go-to healer for any new Epic Seven player.

Her being an Ice type makes her great for Wyvern hunts, which is one of the best ways to obtain gear for your best heroes.

PvP-wise, Angelic Montmorancy is OK, there are better options. 

Definitely worth investing in her as early as possible!


1. Commander Lorina

Attribute: Dark

Class: Warrior

Star Sign: Leo

Recommended Set: Crit Damage/Crit Chance

Skill 1

Knocks the enemy into the air with a spear, increasing Combat Readiness of the caster by 20%.

Skill 2

Increases Attack 10% each time the caster attacks an enemy. Effect can only stack up to 5 times.

Skill 3

Burn Effect: Grants an extra turn. (-20 Souls)

Pierces the enemy with a spear, decreasing Combat Readiness by 15%. Damage dealt increases proportional to the amount of the enemy’s lost Health.


Considered to be the best single-target DPS hero in the game, Commander Lorina is an easily accessible must-have for any new Epic Seven player.

Built-in attack buffs make her a solid choice for your crit sets, which you hopefully have speed sub-stats on.

You’ll use Commander Lorina for all kinds of PvE, dominating labyrinths, abyss, adventure mode, and hunts.



Ryan McKenna

About Ryan McKenna Gamer, father, and overall nerd.

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