Epic Seven: Top 10 Best Knight Heroes


Knights are your premiere front-line heroes, taking the brunt of enemy fire to allow your DPS to clean up.

Many of them have decent offensive skills too, capable of dealing damage themselves if your other heroes get taken out.

With access to strong artifacts like Noble Oath, Justice for All, and Aurius, there’s no limit to how a knight hero can be built.

Many of them are strong enough to power straight through tons of attacks and still slap the enemy heroes for good damage.

With 34 different knight heroes in Epic Seven, choosing a few to build can be difficult, as good gear is hard to come by.

These 10 heroes are by far the best of all, with uses ranging from PvE tanks to PvP juggernauts.

10. Ilynav

Attribute: Fire

Recommended Set: Speed/Immunity

How to get: 5* Covenant Summon


Attacks the enemy with a spear. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s max Health. When this skill is used, if it was not triggered by a Dual Attack, has a 50% chance to use Punish instead of Rush. This skill does not trigger a Dual Attack.Burn Effect: Skill cooldown is decreased by 2 turns.

Attacks and pierces the enemy, inflicting injuries. Increases Defense of the caster for 2 turns. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s max Health. The severity of injuries increases proportional to the damage dealt. Injuries decrease max Health of the target by up to 20% every time this skill is used.
Attacks all enemies mercilessly and grants increased Critical Hit Damage to all allies for 2 turns and immunity to the caster for 2 turns. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s max Health.


Ilynav is a strong knight hero who can deal some decent damage with her single-target attacks.

All of her abilities are based around dealing damage, as well as reducing the enemy’s max health.

Unfortunately, while Ilynav is cool, her skills don’t do too much.

She’s much more likely to be doing damage herself, rather than protecting and supporting her allies.

9. Charles

Attribute: Earth

Recommended Set: Counter/Immunity

How to get: 5* Covenant Summon


SlashSmashFaithful Strike
Attacks with a giant sword, with a 50% chance to decrease Attack for 1 turn. After using this skill, has a 25% chance to activate Smash as an extra attack. Chance to activate Smash is doubled when the enemy is buffed.Attacks the enemy repeatedly with a giant sword, with a 80% chance to dispel all buffs. Damage dealt increases proportional to number of buffs granted to the caster.Burn Effect: Extends duration of buffs granted by this skill by 1 turn.

Attacks all enemies with a swordstorm, increases Attack of all allies for 2 turns. Additionally increases Defense of the caster for 2 turns. When there are three or fewer enemies, damage dealt increases as enemies become fewer.


Charles’ best attribute is arguably his buff stripping capabilities, as they’re exceptionally useful against heavy buff PvP teams, or annoying bosses.

His relentless assaults against buffed enemies makes him an ideal candidate for counter sets.

If you can build him with a decent amount of speed, getting his skill 3 off can be a huge boon to any PvP fight.

8. Charlotte

Attribute: Fire

Recommended Set: Destruction/Immunity

How to get: 5* Covenant Summon


Dual SwordsWill of the SwampVortex
Attacks with dual swords, with a 35% chance to decrease Attack for 1 turn. When the caster is buffed, Dual Swords becomes an attack that targets all enemies when used on the caster’s turn. Increases caster’s Combat Readiness by 20% after attacking with this changed attack, and a successful attack with this changed attack always results in a critical hit. This changed attack does not trigger a Dual Attack.

(+20 Fighting Spirit)
When attacked, the caster gains 10 Fighting Spirit and is granted increased Attack and Defense for 1 turn. When attacked on caster’s turn, acquired Fighting Spirit is doubled. Increased Attack and Defense can only be granted once per turn.Burn Effect: Acquires 100 Fighting Spirit after using this skill.

Cuts all enemies while spinning, making them unhealable for 2 turns. A successful attack always results in a critical hit.

(-100 Fighting Spirit)


Built-in damage buffs allows Charlotte to deal a surprising amount of damage, as her skills 1 & 3 can always crit.

If you have a crit damage set with a lot of defensive stats, keep those items until you get a copy of Charlotte.

She’s definitely not a full tank to sponge damage from bosses in PvE, Charlotte is best for PvP.

7. Cecilia

Attribute: Fire

Recommended Set: Counter/Immunity

How to get: 5* Covenant Summon


DeliveranceSteel CloudburstRuinous Retribution
Attacks with a spear, with a 35% chance to decrease Defense for 2 turns. When the target is inflicted with decreased Attack, effect chance increases by 25%. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s max Health.Burn Effect: Skill cooldown is decreased by 2 turns.

Attacks all enemies with a magical spear, with an 85% chance to decrease Attack for 2 turns, before dispelling one buff. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s max Health.
Attacks all enemies with a spear infused with dark energy, with a 85% chance to provoke for 1 turn, before granting immunity to all allies for 2 turns and a barrier to the caster for 2 turns. Damage dealt and barrier strength increases proportional to the caster’s max Health.


I got Cecilia quite early on in my adventures and used her extensively throughout the early game.

She’s definitely more of a PvP hero, building her full HP gives her surprisingly high damage alongside the debuffs she applies.

With a counter set applied, she’ll constantly provide defense breaks for the rest of your team.

6. Krau

Attribute: Ice

Recommended Set: Speed/HP

How to get: 5* Covenant Summon


SwordstormChargeSummon Ziegfried
Attack an enemy with a swordstorm with 50% chance to provoke for 1 turn. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s max Health.Shoves the enemy with a shield, decreasing Combat Readiness by 35%, before granting increased Defense to all allies for 2 turns. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s Health.Burn Effect: Grants an extra turn.

Summons the Guardian Ziegfried to attack, dealing damage proportional to the caster’s lost Health, penetrating Defense. Also grants a barrier to the caster for 2 turns, with strength proportional to the caster’s max Health. This attack cannot trigger a critical hit.


Krau is regularly seen in the Arena, as his versatile kit is perfect for PvP teams.

He does some pretty nice damage and is tough to take down with his defense buff and barrier.

Building him speed to go before enemies gives you a good opportunity to his skill 2, enemy teams can’t do much after that.

5. Tywin

Attribute: Ice

Recommended Set: Speed/Effectiveness

How to get: 5* Covenant Summon


Sword StormCommanding ShoutAll-Out Attack
Attacks with a swordstorm, With a 50% chance to dispel one buff. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s max Health.Grants increased Attack and Critical Hit Chance to the caster and an ally for 2 turns, and increases Combat Readiness by 30%.Burn Effect: Grants an extra turn.

Attacks all enemies again after a swordstorm, with a 75% chance to decrease Defense for 2 turns and increase Defense of the caster for 3 turns. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s max Health.


Tywin is great alongside a strong DPS, as he can buff their offensive stats and grant combat readiness.

Entire team comps exist around this strategy.

Build full offensive stats, but with no speed, on your preferred DPS.

Include heroes who can increase combat readiness and provide buffs.

Enjoy watching your DPS destroy entire teams.

Tywin’s buff dispell and defense buff also makes him useful for Abyss & Wyvern Hunts.

4. Mort

Attribute: Earth

Recommended Set: Counter/Immunity

How to get: 5* Covenant Summon


ExterminationAbsolute DignityAdvent: Mortelix
Burn Effect: Increases effect chance to 100%.

Pierces the enemy, with a 40% chance to decrease Defense for 2 turns. Ignores Effect Resistance when caster is enraged. Damage increases proportional to the caster’s max Health.
Immune to stun and sleep. Has a 30% chance to counterattack when attacked. If the caster inflicts a critical hit when using a basic attack, has a 40% chance to activate Sacred Blessing. Can be activated once every 2 turns. 

Sacred Blessing: Increases Critical Hit Resistance of all allies for 1 turn and increases Speed of the caster for 2 turns.
Descends and attacks all enemies, inflicting injuries. The caster becomes enraged for 2 turns and recovers Health. Damage dealt and amount recovered increase proportional to the caster’s max Health. The severity of injuries increases proportional to the damage dealt. Injuries decrease the max Health of the target by up to 20% every time this skill is used.


Once a meme hero, Mort received a huge buff to his skill 2, giving him a chance to counter when attacked.

Mort is a bruiser who excels in long fights, inflicting injuries, buffing resistances and counter-attacking constantly.

For annoying Arena teams who love to stack soul weavers & tanks, Mort is your go-to guy.

3. Last Rider Krau

Attribute: Light

Recommended Set: Immunity/Speed

How to get: 5* Moonlight Summon


PunishmentCode Number 00 (Passive)Mobile Weapon Ziegfried
Attacks the enemy with a swordstorm, before increasing Speed of the caster for 1 turn. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s max Health.After suffering an attack that targets all allies, decreases the caster’s skill cooldown by 1 turn and grants a barrier to allies for 1 turn. Barrier strength increases proportional to the caster’s max Health. Barrier effect can only be activated once per turn.Burn Effect: Skill cooldown is decreased by 2 turns.

Summons Ziegfried and attacks all enemies, before granting immunity to all allies for 2 turns. Penetrates Defense, but cannot trigger a critical hit. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s max Health. Damage dealt increases every time this skill is used and can stack up to 3 times.


One of the best moonlight summons you can get, Last Rider Krau is an amazing tank for PvP and PvP.

If you’re building him for PvP, you’ll want him with high speed, so he uses his skill 3 as soon as the fight starts.

Immunity is an incredibly powerful buff to provide for your entire team!

Otherwise, build him full HP for PvE content.

So many bosses use AoE attacks, making life difficult for the squishy DPS in the backlines.

Granting barriers when AoE attacks are taken is a huge advantage in these respective battles.

2. Lilias

Attribute: Fire

Recommended Set: Speed/Immunity

How to get: 5* Covenant Summon


Follow Me! Charge!Defensive FormationReady, Load, Fire!
Takes the lead and attacks, triggering a Dual Attack from a random ally. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s max Health.Burn Effect: Ignores effect resistance.

Deploys a divine weapon, granting a barrier to the caster for 2 turns, before a 85% chance to provoke the enemy for 2 turns.
Dispels all debuffs from all allies and commands the Perland Army to fire on all enemies, decreasing Combat Readiness by 25% and inflicting damage according to the Attack of the Hero with the highest Attack. Increases the caster’s Combat Readiness by 50%.


Commonplace in the PvP scene, Lilias is a versatile hero who can make the game a whole lot easier if you manage to get her.

Perfect for Golem hunts, her skill 1 triggers dual attacks to get a whole extra bunch of DPS from your team.

Debuff dispelling is essential for many aspects of PvE, and a godsend against certain heroes in PvP (looking at you, Dizzy).

You definitely need speed on her for PvP, as you’ll want to provoke the enemy’s healer.

Full HP build is fine for PvE.

1. Adventurer Ras

Attribute: Fire

Recommended Set: Speed/HP

How to get: Specialty Change


X-SlashCommand StrikePurifying Flame
Attacks with a sword, with 75% chance to dispel a buff. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s max Health.Burn Effect: Skill cooldown is decreased by 2 turns.

Attacks the enemy repeatedly, and triggers a Dual Attack from the strongest ally.
Strongly attacks all enemies with a swordstorm, recovering Health and increasing Defense of all allies for 2 turns. Damage dealt and amount recovered increases proportional to the caster’s max Health.


Ras is the first hero granted to you, but many players drop him from the team straight away.

His base form sucks, to put it lightly.

Once you complete Episode 2, you’re given the chance to specialty change Ras into his Adventurer form.

Not only does he get some nice extra stats, new skills & a cool new look, he gets rune boses from his skill tree.

Adventurer Ras is commonplace in many PvE/PvP team compositions, having a varied skill-set that does well against almost all bosses and Arena teams.

Overall, no other Knight hero offers as much as Adventurer Ras!


Ryan McKenna

About Ryan McKenna Gamer, father, and overall nerd.

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