Top 10 Most Fun Assassins – League of Legends


Whether you’re a safe player or not, every player has given an assassin or two a shot. There’s something so awesome about them, inflicting heavy damage upon opponents and having immense snowball capabilities. This class is arguably the most fun in the entire game with almost all champions mentioned on this list having high skill expression.

Skill floor & ceilings have been provided to let you know how difficult it is to understand the basics of each champion, as well as how tough it is to master them. Assassins have plenty of tough match-ups and falter against tanks in particular, knowing and avoiding bad match-ups is just as important as in-game mechanics.

I’ll detail the 10 most fun assassins in League of Legends so if you’re looking for one to play, this list is all you need!


10. Akali

Akali, one of the most fun assassins in League of Legends

Following her kit being leaked, the League of Legends community collectively face-palmed as yet another champion with way too many dashes was coming to the game. Now Akali is on the Rift and she’s certainly not as bad as we expected. Her W shroud is particularly annoying but other than that, Akali is a fun and effective assassin who isn’t a huge pain to play against.

She’s always been a fairly difficult champion to use, post-rework even more so. Staying at the correct distances is essential in lane and you need a big lead going into the mid/late game. Once you get the hang of Akali though, you’ll understand just how epic she is!

Price: 3150 BE/790 RP

Skill floor: High

Skill ceiling: High


9. Kassadin

Kassadin, one of the most fun assassins in League of Legends

Despite dipping in and out of the meta, Kassadin is an excellent choice for players looking to stomp their way out of low ELO, or simply have some fun. Pre-6, his laning phase is a tad boring as you need to get through as healthily as possible but after that, the real gameplay begins. Although Riot did recently allow his W to stack Tear of the Goddess.

As the game progresses through to the final stages, Kassadin’s assassination power increases sevenfold. Out-of-postition carries can be deleted & back-lines can be accessed easily!

Price:  3150 BE/790 RP

Skill floor: Low

Skill ceiling: Medium


8. Shaco

Shaco, one of the most fun assassins in League of Legends

Visually, Shaco leaves a lot to be desired. In the meta-game, he’s nowhere to be seen as well, as his kit doesn’t offer too much. If you want to take a champion into a normal game though, Shaco can provide some fulfilling games, granted he’s an absolute nightmare for the opponent.

Constant trickery and mischief make Shaco a huge pain, combine this with high burst damage for maximum salt. Few champions in the game differ so much from their sub-class, you’ll have moments with Shaco that you can’t get with any other champion!

Price:  3150 BE/790 RP

Skill floor: High

Skill ceiling: Very High


7. Talon

Talon, one of the most fun assassins in League of Legends

Currently a top-tier mid laner, Talon’s roaming power is pretty much unrivaled. Right now, he has exceptional wave clear after buying a Tiamat. You’ll be able to delete your lane creeps before taking a trip to top or bot.

Particularly great for new players looking to get used to the assassin role, Talon teaches you map awareness as well as some great mechanical skills.

Price: 4800 BE/880 RP

Skill floor: Low

Skill ceiling: Medium


6. Fizz

Fizz, one of the most fun assassins in League of Legends

So slippery, so satisfying. Outplay potential for days, Fizz offers some truly awesome moments. Capable of charging into backlines and escaping un-touched, then collecting all the saltiness provided from enemy squishies.

Getting through laning phase can be tough though, so playing Fizz competitively is only viable if his counters aren’t meta. Fizz’s ultimate ability is surprisingly hard to land too, offering some disparity between consistently good Fizz players and overall bad ones.

Price:  4800 BE/880 RP

Skill floor: Low

Skill ceiling: High


5. Ekko

Ekko, one of the most fun assassins in League of Legends

Ekko is my personal favorite, honestly I think he’s at least 2nd for satisfication. Pulling off great plays can happen on any assassin but when they feel good (via special particle/sound effects), that’s what sets fun assassins from just good assassins.

Ekko’s entire kit rewards risk, wasting a single ability can be a huge difference. His kit contains some decent waveclear, CC and mobility. I used to play him mostly in the jungle where he’s no longer viable due to non-existent clearing speed but in the mid lane, he’s still going strong!

Price: 6300 BE/975 RP

Skill floor: Medium

Skill ceiling: High


4. Kha’Zix

Kha'Zix, one of the most fun assassins in League of Legends

In terms of snowballing, few champions in the game can match Kha’Zix. His early game is incredible, levels 2-11 you can boss the entire map so long as you keep farming up as well.

An early kill usually means game, as his damage scales so well. Return ganks or invades become simple, especially with his W and stealth. Kha’Zix is a versatile skirmisher who can perform well in team-fights too, as his W resets the cooldown on kill.

Price:  4800 BE/880 RP

Skill floor: Low

Skill ceiling: Medium


3. Kayn

Kayn, one of the most fun assassins in League of Legends

Kayn has 2 options in his passive, assassin or bruiser. Even then, the bruiser variant has great burst damage too. Upon picking Kayn, you’ll go through the early game as himself. As you deal damage to certain types of champions (ranged or melee), his weapon transforms him into a different variant of himself.

Having these options available is great, as is Kayn’s ability to walk through walls and become untargetable. All this equals one hell of a champion, giving you plenty of breathing space when it comes to approaching a fight.

Price: 6300 BE/975 RP

Skill floor: Medium

Skill ceiling: High


2. Katarina

Katarina, one of the most fun assassins in League of Legends

Possibly the most difficult champion to master, Katarina has so many weaknesses to exploit but if you can work around this, she’s incredible. Constant spinning, blinking power deals high aoe damage in team-fights, in fact you can get 4 or 5 kills in a few seconds.

Laning almost makes you want to commit suicide though, being such a squishy champion with such little waveclear is horrific. That’s why you see most Katarina’s feed until you get that 1 good Kata player who ends the game 20/1/3.

Price:  3150 BE/790 RP

Skill floor: High

Skill ceiling: Very High


1. Zed

Zed, the most fun assassin in League of Legends!

Ever since he brought the greatest League of Legends play ever to life, Zed has been the go-to assassin for fun and flashy plays. Considered one of the edgiest champions in existence, just the appearance of Zed is enough for players to flock to him.

Epic skins further improve his attractiveness, gameplay wise. By far his best attribute is his ultimate ability. R’ing an enemy, hitting them with abilities, only to R again to dash back to your original position while the kill is secured, is one of the most fun and satisfying things you can do in League of Legends!

Price:  4800 BE/880 RP

Skill floor: Medium

Skill ceiling: Very High


Ryan McKenna

About Ryan McKenna Gamer, father, and overall nerd.

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